Running a death metal session. Drum help!

Pale Sketches

New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2007
So, I have a session coming up with a death metal band at my school. They want a specific drum sound... basically, the examples were Black Dahlia's - Nocturnal, The Faceless - Akeldama, and the new Beneath the Massacre album...

Running a Pro Tools HD rig with any mic imaginable.

I need some help with mics, mic placement... and also just getting that super dry / compressed sound.

Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
close mic every thing, as well as the ride and smaller cymbals.... trigger the kick and snare, if possible the toms as well...

57 snare top
57 snare bottom
421's on rack toms
beta 52 or similar on floor toms, although i been using a ldc on floor toms
d6 kick
km184's or u87's as overheads and close mics for cymbals
sm7 hi hat or km184
a few room mics placed all around the room in pairs i love c414s for this or royer 121's u87's etc any good condenser or ribbon will work well if there is a good room
Trigger kick/snare, probably toms, too. Mic the cymbals close and in pairs (try to get no more than 2-3 cymbals per mic), and individually mic splash groups, chinas, hats, and rides.

Maybe a stereo room mic set, but you'll want most of those to sound very close up and 'in-your-face' with all the crap going on with the other instruments.
close mic every thing, as well as the ride and smaller cymbals.... trigger the kick and snare, if possible the toms as well...

57 snare top
57 snare bottom
421's on rack toms
beta 52 or similar on floor toms, although i been using a ldc on floor toms
d6 kick
km184's or u87's as overheads and close mics for cymbals
sm7 hi hat or km184
a few room mics placed all around the room in pairs i love c414s for this or royer 121's u87's etc any good condenser or ribbon will work well if there is a good room

i agree with most here except I'd put a pencil condenser on the snare bottom pointed at the snares.
I don't know about specific mic's, but I'd just say mic up as much as you can. The more options you have available to you, the better.
Beneath The Massacre drum sound?
Be sure to trigger all drums, then quantize the fuck out of them and keep them at nearly the same velocities. That stuff is as processed as can be. ;)

As far as cymbals, go with the advice above.

(please don't take this post TOO seriously, I'm just not a fan of the Beneath The Massacre production, as crushing as it is...)
Make the drummer play as hard as he possibly can. Don't qualify wimpy hitting at all. It's not about the gear used, it's about the performance. Just close mic everything so you can have the best separation.
Make the drummer play as hard as he possibly can. Don't qualify wimpy hitting at all. It's not about the gear used, it's about the performance. Just close mic everything so you can have the best separation.

This shit is important. Lots of drummers don't even realize that they hit like pussies, yet they think they can get the sound of a great production. Sure, if they play on e-drums or with triggers, but the real deal is about performance. Tell the drummer that so that he lands back on earth, if he is one of "them" :)