RUSH - Clockwork Angels


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Today was the release date for Rush's 20th album "Clockwork Angels" and needless to say I have my copy in hand and it's already had two complete listens through. Definitely will be a contender for my album of the year (have I ever mentioned that Rush is my absolute favorite band - while others come and go, Rush will probably always remain at the top of my list).

I'll give it a few more spins before I write up a proper review, but simply stated it's a great disc. Even though I had already heard three songs from the disc, with "Caravan" and "BU2B" (both remixed for the album)being released back in 2010, and "Headlong Flight" released a month plus ago as an album teaser, it was well worth the wait.

If you love Rush like I do you probably already have ordered/bought it, if not - what are you waiting for? Even if you just have a passing interest it's worht the price of admission.

Review incoming in a few days.
Just wanted to open a thread (the I saw Jind´s one here), because I´m totall blown away already after 2 play throughs. Do you know the feeling, when you can´t comprehend the wholeness, but you realize, something really magical is happening? This record will be my personal shadows of the next months. I feel happiness! And this happens quite rarely when I listen to today´s music. RUSH - I love you :notworthy
I love it. Totally makes up for Vapor Trails, finally :-)

Probably my favorite part of the overall production is how prominent Geddy's bass is - it's just RIGHT FREAKING THERE. I do wish Neil's kick was a bit more in the mix, but overall, it's one of their best albums in the last 15+ years.
Sorry, as much as I love Rush (seen them over 10 times, they're one of the bands my father raised me on), Vapor Trails is by far and away my least favorite album - the hot master, the songwriting... I just never could get into it.

Clockwork Angels is without a doubt an album I'll be listening to non-stop for the foreseeable future, it'll probably bump Anathema's newest out of rotation for sure.