Rush's "R30" DVD


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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If you purchase one DVD this year, please make certain that it's the new Rush 30th anniversary set, R30!! It's an absolutely amazing performance of their 30th anniversary gig in Germany in 2004.

There's a deluxe edition which features 2 CDs as well as the 2 DVD (the audio CDs are NOT sold separately).

Rush in Rio was fantastic. R30 is better!

Amazing set. Amazing sound.....the performances are just killer.
This band is godly...

highlights include:
an instrumental medley of tracks from their 70s albums
Between the Wheels
Heartful of Soul (acoustic)!
Cool. I saw Rush twice (Presto / Roll The Bones) and they were awesome both times. When I was in high school I went through a huge Rush phase with a friend of mine. We used to get stoned and drive around listening to 2112 over and over. Haha.
Not to sully it though, Rush is an awesome band that has been plugging away for a long time. I actually hold the 80s and 90s "keyboard phase," in high regard, just like the other stuff.

When they did The Trees when I saw them, I freaked.

I'll look into this DVD.
Yup I got the deluxe package last week. Its great! The guitar sound is so much better then on Rush in Rio!

There are a few people complaining about the fact that Rush originals have been left out for 3 cover songs they did on the mini album "Feedback" but those complaints are not mine.

The second disc is a goldmine!! Lot of 70s recordings! And the easter eggs are great to!
This is great! I was worried that it might be too similiar to the Brazil show, but they really are quite different. This new one really does sound A LOT better. The venue is really nice looking as well.

"Between The Wheels" is friggin' awesome. I love that song. Now all they need to do is "Afterimage"...
Walter_Langkowski said:
This is great! I was worried that it might be too similiar to the Brazil show, but they really are quite different. This new one really does sound A LOT better.

Word is the Brazil show was just barely a "go" as far as recording. They barely got it set up for the DVD shoot.
sixxswine said:
Is this show really that shitty? I haven't heard a single good thing about this, even on Sludge there have been people knocking Rio and praise R30...

Naaa its not shitty at all. Its actually a great show considering what they had to work with. Electronicoil heard it right, everything had to be organized at the last moment. They did not even had the time for a good sound check! And it still sounds quite good. BUT;

Its of course no match when compared with a DVD that is very professional and well produced and at witch they had control at every moment.
SoundMaster said:
Personally, i think Rio looks and sounds great. I just think R30 has better sound. Rush in Rio is still a MANDATORY DVD! :rock:

Indeed. The only thing that bothers me on Rio is Alex guitar sound. It almost sounds like a bass. :(
sixxswine said:
Is this show really that shitty? I haven't heard a single good thing about this, even on Sludge there have been people knocking Rio and praise R30...

No. I have it and it's quite a good DVD. I don't even think the sound is bad either, but I did read that they barely got it recorded properly.
Paul Reed Smith, Guitars. Years ago when I had the chance to play one of the first few that were ever made on a stage... It sounded like a million bucks! I am not sure if they would sound as good as they used to but from what I know, they are very top quality guitars. I wouldn't think that a PRS would be the reason for a bad sound. We all know that Alex can play like a mother fucker so I would rule out the guitar for the "bad" sound.

Hughes and Kettner amps are what he plays thru also... I have had a H & K amp for years... a buddy of mine has one that is identical to what Alex plays thru... They are great amps and they sound awesome... Pure Tube Amp. Powerful as fuck! But they can be tricky for a sound man to make sound good in the front of house... That was the problem that we (my band) had with my amp... What it finally took was me adjusting the board while I was playing during a sound check.

What basically happens is with an amp like a H & K, most sound guys are used to mixing a Marshall or a Fender... a typical amp, in other words... The sound man needs to get in tune with what the guitarist is hearing in his head... The H & K amps are not as "forgiving" as a Marshall or Fender or a chainsaw amp (something solid state). Also, Hughes and Kettner has what they call a Red-Box, which is built into their amps... This allows you to run directly out of the amp instead of miking it. They sound really good but in turn being as clean with running direct can be hard to make sound good also because you have to run the amp at lower levels because it is such a clean, direct sound. Most, no, ALL amps sound better cranked up and running hot... You can do that and adjust with the miking situation, you can running direct.

I am thinking that the real problem with his "muddy" sound is the fact that they didn't have time to prep correctly and also they are playing outside... which can be really tricky to get sounding good when recording. The soundman has a board mix for the recording but if he is trying to mix for the audience, live thing, then the mix for the recording side can get a little screwed... if that makes sense.

Narcosynthesys68 said:
Paul Reed Smith, Guitars. Years ago when I had the chance to play one of the first few that were ever made on a stage... It sounded like a million bucks! I am not sure if they would sound as good as they used to but from what I know, they are very top quality guitars. I wouldn't think that a PRS would be the reason for a bad sound. We all know that Alex can play like a mother fucker so I would rule out the guitar for the "bad" sound.

Hughes and Kettner amps are what he plays thru also... I have had a H & K amp for years... a buddy of mine has one that is identical to what Alex plays thru... They are great amps and they sound awesome... Pure Tube Amp. Powerful as fuck! But they can be tricky for a sound man to make sound good in the front of house... That was the problem that we (my band) had with my amp... What it finally took was me adjusting the board while I was playing during a sound check.

What basically happens is with an amp like a H & K, most sound guys are used to mixing a Marshall or a Fender... a typical amp, in other words... The sound man needs to get in tune with what the guitarist is hearing in his head... The H & K amps are not as "forgiving" as a Marshall or Fender or a chainsaw amp (something solid state). Also, Hughes and Kettner has what they call a Red-Box, which is built into their amps... This allows you to run directly out of the amp instead of miking it. They sound really good but in turn being as clean with running direct can be hard to make sound good also because you have to run the amp at lower levels because it is such a clean, direct sound. Most, no, ALL amps sound better cranked up and running hot... You can do that and adjust with the miking situation, you can running direct.

I am thinking that the real problem with his "muddy" sound is the fact that they didn't have time to prep correctly and also they are playing outside... which can be really tricky to get sounding good when recording. The soundman has a board mix for the recording but if he is trying to mix for the audience, live thing, then the mix for the recording side can get a little screwed... if that makes sense.


Hey thanks a lot for that explanation. Of course I know that Alex is a class guitarist so I was wondering what could be the source of this shitty sound.

Come to think of it. I am not to happy about his sound on Vapor Trails as well. Or maybe I am just hearing things or going deaf! Thats what going to concerts for almost 30 years will do for you :)

Have you heard Vapor Trails? Any comments of the bad sound IMHO they have on that album?

Just wondering.
Ya know, that is one Rush disc that I have never heard all the way thru.

I had a theory on Alex and his sound, which actually all guitarists (long time players, sucessful in the industry) go thru at some point. They get tired of hearing their sound. Then they try to advance, change, grow, whatever you want to call it... and when this happens, they usually get one disc or so in there that sounds kinda weak. The other thing that can really make a guitarist's sound, shall we call it, "DIFFERENT" is if he/she is going thru personal issues, divorce, death... that stuff. I went thru a divorce and I know that I wouldn't have given one fuck what my guitar sounded like if I was in the process of recording!

Hell, look at EVH... He had a few discs that the guitar sound was kinda crap really... And shit, EVH had "THE" sound for guitar.

I am a total fan boy of Alex. He is class all the way thru. Full, simple, complex, warm, happy, erie... all the emotions attached... he has it all, still... Unlike EVH... Sad to say. I think his sound really did get back on track and has matured or progressed nicely.

And I have both of the Rush DVD's and I think they are both fantastic. I guess I need to pull out the RIR one sometime soon and re-visit the sound... You all have me wondering what I missed?!?! I am usually VERY picky about the sound.