Russ Meyer films

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so i just saw 2 of his more famous movies - Faster Pussycat! Kill, Kill! and Mudhoney last night on TCM and ... damn. holy damn, that's pretty much all i can say. anyone else here watch his movies? since most of the people here like intense and oddball material (and big boobies!) in their movies, i reccomend seeing Faster Pussycat, Mudhoney if you're looking for something darker and more challenging to your sense of decency. great movies!
what kind of bizarre are we talking about? It cant be that dark if its on TCM ..
... or maybe it is, old people are pretty scary.
is it like the drug fucked, messed up trippy kind of bizarre? because if they are anything like The Wall or The Song Remains The Same I would gladly watch them.
I like big boobies.

If anyone can recommend esoteric movies that include big boobies in an artistic context, I'm all for it.

on TCM there are a bunch of old horror films.
right now: Devil Dolls
A mad Devil's Island escapee shrinks his victims to the size of dolls. Its black and white, there is a man dressed as an old lady, there is bad acting, even worse special effects and its just freakin' awesome.

Next up, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Im hoping they will show "Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens" again, that movie fucking rocks! 1922 Silent films kick ass!!
Russ Myers rocks for the simple fact that he made films for the entire purpose of explatation and breaking down the established order.
That and he liked filming women with massive norks! :headbang:

If you want another classic Myers film, Vixens still can't be beat.