Russian OPETH fansite

I'm not sure why, but I have a strange fascination with Russians. They're definetley the coolest people on earth. I don't speak the language but I'm sure if a Russian made it, it must be good.
LeoNer said:
may be... :) but we have as much assholes as good ppl
and many of em like extreme measure/dont know when to stop.
somehow very crazy and very clever )

Assholes exist everywhere my friend. It's just something we've all got to realize sooner or later. Anyways, been cool talking to you. First Russian I've ever had the chance to speak to.
Russians are cool, as long as they don't want to take over my country ;) Either way - will check!
may be we ve got high aclohol rate, but it doesnt mean that we just suck.

dont care about statistics - cauz its in 60% - flase truth

Dark Tranquillity site - was offline cauz of my bad hoster...

i`ve made some redesing today for site... i think i will move to
LeoNer, cool, good work :)
I saw ur posts on forum (меня там ZUB зовут :)) )