Rusty Cooley


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
I just received and have finished listen to Rusty Cooley's (guitarist OUTWORLD) solo CD. To say blown away would be putting it mildly, its like being run over by an M-1 Abrams tank after it has come off A C-5 in other words there are no words in the english langauge to describe this man. He is not of this world as far as his abilities go. Go to his website and listen to the master of the 8 string yes i said 8 string guitar. And we who are going to the preparty will get to hear this virtuoso in person. :OMG:
adaher said:
When does the CD come out?

And do you know when Avian's CD comes out?

Rusty's solo Cd is already out check his website for buying info. The new OUTWORLD is scheduled for an Aug or early Sept release according to their Website. Avain????? i don't know, i will check with Jonah and get back to you.
adaher said:
When does the CD come out?

And do you know when Avian's CD comes out?

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me that question :loco: The final mixes are currently being done and will be shipped to the great Tommy Hansen (Helloween) in a couple of weeks for mastering. Then, Claus from Intromental will work on getting us the best possible deal. We are all doing everything in our powers to make sure that it is out and available by Progpower week.

On a different note, we decided to change our cd title from Guardians of Time to "From The Depths of Time". Reason being is we want to avoid confusion with the band Guardians of Time.

Yan :headbang: