Rwake - Voices of Omens

The last tracks of this album are completely bad ass. I don't know how great this is, but the end tracks are quite good.
This band is playing here Monday night but I work so I probably won't be able to make it. If I have the chance, is it worth it?
Looks like I might be able to get off at a reasonable hour tomorrow. I'm on call though (of fucking course) so I'm sure the pager would go off right as the show began.
Recently I left work early to see "28 Weeks Later" and about 30 minutes into the movie the answering service called my mobile and my pager. The cacophany was deafening.
I didnt answer either one :lol:
Huh. Apparently in 2007 I still hated these guys. Silly.

This is, without a doubt, one of the best albums EVER.