
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
BloodStainedWalls brought up Rwake the other day in another thread, but I thought I elaborate on their newest - 'If You Walk Before You Crawl, You Crawl Before You Die'.

This band is a total mindfuck. They take elements of absolutely every form of metal and meld them into one wicked slab of music. Sometimes I want to compare them to Goatsblood or Eyehategod, sometimes I want to compare them to Neurosis, sometimes Rune, sometimes they sound like a sludgey black metal band.

J. will absolutely love the tits out of these guys. They can take a song from a folk intro with some industrial noise in the background to a totally crushing sludge/doom monolith. Sometimes the like to play some wicked southern-tinged solos (similar to Mastodon). These guys have no limits with what they play. The crazy thing is that the music sounds like it was made to be played in this style.

This album is seriously one of the biggest surprises of the year. Easily the equal to Rune from last year. A slightly different band, but they combine styles in a similar manner. (I can't figure out their website so you might have to go to the label's sight below.)
Hell yes. This band fucking rocks the tits off me. I just located the new one yesterday and havent absorbed it all yet but "Hell is a Door To The Sun" seems better to me. Then again, this type of music takes a few spins for full appreciation to take place. I recommended this band a couple times to Dreamlord already but he's a lazy bastard and hasn't picked em up yet.
Listening to this promo for the first time right now. The following is a list of comments that constitute my initial impressions:

-this sucks
I reviewed 'Hell Is A Door To The Sun' for UM when it came out, looking forward to getting hold of this new one - Rwake are a complete psycho-sludge-prog-doom mess of a band. I put the album on before in a room full of stoned people, and absolutely all conversation ceased while people's eyes began to glaze over and they began to trance out on the weird-ass vibes coming from the speakers.