RZ -- Where art thou??

Static Acts

Apr 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Hi guys!

I was just wondering what Reading Zero is up to these days? Did you ever get signed? Are you still making music?

You're always on my playlist because RZ gives me the vibes that no other band can. You have a very distinct sound, but it seems that you feel upon deaf ears with the recording industry.

Anyway, hope you are doing well. I have signed copies of your discs and they're in my "do not finger fuck" section of my collection!

Scene Unseen!


PS - How can I get my hands on the Next Stage demo??
Static Acts said:
Hi guys!

I was just wondering what Reading Zero is up to these days? Did you ever get signed? Are you still making music?

You're always on my playlist because RZ gives me the vibes that no other band can. You have a very distinct sound, but it seems that you feel upon deaf ears with the recording industry.

Anyway, hope you are doing well. I have signed copies of your discs and they're in my "do not finger fuck" section of my collection!

Scene Unseen!


PS - How can I get my hands on the Next Stage demo??

Hey Michael,

Thanks for the kind words! Its been a while since Ive heard of/from you as well ;) IM glad you are still digging our music, thats what its all about. As long as we can put music out, we'll be happy. We have been writing off/on for the past couple years, inbetween kids, marriage and everything else...but we are, in fact, gearing up to record our third album. I cant even speculate as to when it might be done at this point, but its mostly written and I think its rockin. a little oldschool ;) We aren't in a hurry but I would love to see it come out this year.

Anyway, PM me and I will see what I can do about the Next Stage demo.

Hi Joel,

I'm glad to hear that you're still writing music! Marriage and kids can definitely slow down the process. Everything takes twice as long, even if it's just getting out the door!

Hope you guys get invited back to ProgPower. I missed PPIII, but I'll be there this year. Are you coming?

Thanks, and I'll send you a PM!
Static Acts said:
Hope you guys get invited back to ProgPower. I missed PPIII, but I'll be there this year. Are you coming?

Oh, Chris is the Stage Manager for ProgPower and I his assistant/crew guy. we are there every year ;) Make sure to say hi if you see us! This year is going to rock!
