
All the scandinavian languages are pretty similar, or Swedish, Norwegian and Danish at least, Icelandic and Faroesrishish (how's the language spelled in English? o_O) do seem from another planet :D

I think Finnish would be pretty impossible to learn, since it's occasionally so hard even for me, a native speaker, to get things completely right. And everything's so complicated and hard.

By the way, speaking of languages, I always thought "ð" was like.. "th", but in his writings, Varg Vikerness uses it as a "d", as in Hliðskjálf.. is it a "d" in writing, and "th" only as a phonetical letter, or does it differ in languages?
Their comuter keyboards are nasty

Hah, cool -- a thread about a few songs we may never hear (if they were indeed recorded) turned into a thread about language and how difficult some languages are.

I should definitely learn another language, as I only know English, and that's pretty embarrassing.
Svensk är inte enkel!

I would recommend French or Spanish or Italian or German or maybe Dutch
deffinetly not a scandinavian language...too many dots and curcles above letters;)