S.A.S (Saxon appreciation society)

Ok this is a long shot and a lot of typing,so sit down with your coffee,tea,lager or whatever you are gonna be drinking!!!(and i apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes)about the time of Metalhead i looked into doing the SAS (Saxon Appreciation Society) i called it that because i thought the "fan club " tag sounded to much like a pop band...anyway i made up some logo's sent them off to the band who gave me the thumbs up...but like everything it never took off!!!!!so how about with the help from you guys we make it happen ....any ideas any suggestions please...it is for us and the band what does everyone say??or shall i just put it in the box and forget it.......
How about a meet where we could all chat.Maybe a one off Saxon gig where us lot choose trhe set list.Then after we could all play pin the tache on the olly.
Its a great idea, i like the name also. I guess my first question/idea/ suggestion would be are you able to get a website up and running or maybe even a forum or blog type of thing going ?

Also you could attract more members by doing a myspace (or similar) page for S.A.S
Lionheart747 said:
great idea Valanx,i will set up a myspace account over the weekend and then post it on here......brilliant,but if anyone could help me with a web site i would be ever so grateful!!!!

sounds good. i suck at websites so iam boned!

a fun thing would be to do a logo and to make a patch out of it to put on the jacket!
Metal_dude said:
...... a fun thing would be to do a logo and to make a patch out of it to put on the jacket!

Access to the new MySpace site is blocked by the IT Police at work; so I can't see it. Good luck though !! I have some good contacts for patches if it is decided to get them made.


Good work lionheart! as soon as i get my myspace sorted i will add as friend, i like the idea of patches, maybe even t-shirts could be something to consider also!

:kickass: heres to S.A.S ! :kickass: