S.O.D.-Decibel Magazine Hall of Fame


Aug 22, 2004
Elm Grove, WI
"Speak English Or Die" is this month's hall of fame inductee in Decibel Magazine. This is the second induction for Charlie and Scott for that magazine, the first being Anthrax's "Among the Living." I got a free abbreviated version of the mag with an Anthrax over story on record store day (which I was going to post about, but my threads are seldom responded to!). As you would imagine, Billy was next to impossible to talk into doing the interview.
Thanks for posting, Billy may be hard to talk to but I love that guy on the live DVD's, very entertaining. Never met him, hell he'd probably punch me out but I think he's cool as hell. Congrats again Scott and Charlie!
Billy is hilarious. I got a good story. I saw SOD in 2000 on the Bigger than the devil tour. They (the band) were standing outside the venue before the show. I got pics and autographs from all the guys but Billy. He was sitting on a road case, looking like he didn't want to be bothered. But I thought, fuck it, this may be my only chance to ever meet him. SO I walked over to him kinda nonchalantly, like I wasn't going to bother him. LOL. And I said, "Hey Billy, You mind getting a pic for me?" he instantly gets up, I kinda stepped back like "oh shit". Then he just walks into a little pawn shop next door. I was like...........Uhhhhhhhhhhhh oooookkk??? The group of people just got quiet and kinda looked around. A bit uncomfortable. Like 2 minutes later he walks out. And comes directly for me. I thought, Oh man, he's going to knock the shit outta me. Billy says, "Hey, didn't you want a pic?" I answered uncomfortably, "yes". He says, "Here ya go man, hers a pic for ya." A FUCKING COLLECTOR CARD OF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!! I laughed my ass off. I said, "Dude, what the fuck is this???" He laughed and said. " You asked for a pic, you didn't say what you wanted a pic of." Then we busted balls for about 10 minutes and he went inside. After the show I caught him sittin on a case again, I said, "Your too tired and fat to get up and go anywhere now, so you have to take a picture with me." He says. "Ok, you beat me."