
Mythos Inibri

Undead User
Dec 16, 2005
Billy are you and Danny gonna do the S.O.D. thing without Charlie and Scott or is it just a rumour?I think it would be Cool!!
The right guys step up I will. I think there is a strong possibilty to do it. could honestly live with or without it. UNLIKE certain musicians I have and always had way more opportunity in this industry other than performing...
there was a post in the old school forum about musicians fights.you know like Dave Lombardo vs.Glenn Danzig ect... I put down a good match would be
Billy Milano vs. Henry Rollins heh..I'm a fan of both you guys. COOL....
fabian_from_hell said:
what does danny say about that idea?? i´ve heard him saying he´ll only do SOD for a shitload of money. but i don´t think that´s true.

That's a coicidende... I just did an interview with Dan. It's on the website already, I think the interview turned out really good, I enjoyed reading what Dan had to say...
thats sucks.....maybe billy can talk him into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you do a new S.O.D. album with a different line-up, or do you think it should just be you, Billy, Scott and Charlie?
Dan: It would not be S.O.D. without the original members, so the answer is no.
:worship: :worship: ........Dan Lilker, class act....:worship: :worship:

Would you do a new S.O.D. album with a different line-up, or do you think it should just be you, Billy, Scott and Charlie?
Dan: It would not be S.O.D. without the original members, so the answer is no.
Black Thir1een said:
Dream on Billy

Crabmeat said:
:worship: :worship: ........Dan Lilker, class act....:worship: :worship:

Would you do a new S.O.D. album with a different line-up, or do you think it should just be you, Billy, Scott and Charlie?
Dan: It would not be S.O.D. without the original members, so the answer is no.

Yeah, sure...if the offer came through, I'm sure SOD would win out...it beats working at Dunkin' Donuts. Integrity vs. "Would you like a donut with your coffee?".