Sabaton opening for Overkill in NYC

I am curious to see how much longer Sabaton can stay "on top." As it is, the songwriting in their latest album was a notch below the previous stuff. The band puts on a fantastic show, no doubt about that. I wonder how much more of the same can the masses take, though.

Iron Savior has lasted over 15 years.
Yeah. Look at them, didn't get very far, did they?

Depends on what you mean by "far". Having a loyal fanbase and touring every so often might be enough for some people.

Just look at Powerglove. I doubt any of them believe that they will be headlining stadium shows or getting major awards.. but maybe they're happy where they are, with what they're doing? The same could be said about Sabaton, and what they're trying to do. They're a band that plays songs about war. If that's they're thing, and they love it, more power to them.

I have a feeling that they might branch off and do different songs, later on.
Depends on what you mean by "far". Having a loyal fanbase and touring every so often might be enough for some people.

Just look at Powerglove. I doubt any of them believe that they will be headlining stadium shows or getting major awards.. but maybe they're happy where they are, with what they're doing? The same could be said about Sabaton, and what they're trying to do. They're a band that plays songs about war. If that's they're thing, and they love it, more power to them.

I have a feeling that they might branch off and do different songs, later on.

Fine. Let me rephrase that.

"Yes. Iron Savior lasted 15 years. In my opinion, they aren't the greatest band. Should I maybe give them another chance? Yes. Do I think they're one of Power Metal's top names? No. Do I think they were ever? No. Do I think based on their repetitive music that they'd ever become a truly relevant band? No. Will I check them out just because Pat (nailz) is probably going to whine to me in my email within the next hour for saying what I said about Iron Savior on the forum. Yes, because he is a pest."


Nina, I have said this before and I'll repeat: Powerglove is a gimmick and they won't last long.

My point was about Sabaton maintaining their level. Eventually people will get tired, I think. I am not too sure their loyal fanbase will continue following them forever if they release the same album over and over again. Maybe they will, it worked for other bands, for sure. Only time will tell.
Nina, I have said this before and I'll repeat: Powerglove is a gimmick and they won't last long.

They may be a gimmick, but it's a gimmick that nerds enjoy. And considering how many nerds there are, and how much money we make (because we're all into computers, lol), we will probably keep going to see Powerglove until they stop making music that reminds us of our childhoods/favorite video games.

They're kinda like The Legwarmers, this band that does 80's covers. They're fun to go to, but they probably don't intend on being world famous or game changing.
They may be a gimmick, but it's a gimmick that nerds enjoy. And considering how many nerds there are, and how much money we make (because we're all into computers, lol), we will probably keep going to see Powerglove until they stop making music that reminds us of our childhoods/favorite video games.

Most of the Powerglove fanbase are teenagers/early 20s who're probably still working for GameStop. They make $8/hour. They will spend all of their money in the games themselves, and download Powerglove's albums. :lol::lol: Plus, you can just listen to the originals/orchestral versions of those videogame songs. They all sound better than Powerglove's attempts at honoring them.

DuchessOfDork said:
They're kinda like The Legwarmers, this band that does 80's covers. They're fun to go to, but they probably don't intend on being world famous or game changing.

:lol: But that's not the type of attitude/promotional push we see with Powerglove. As opposed to The Legwarmers, Powerglove seems to be seriously considered one of the hottest/best metal bands to come out recently. And anyone who actually thinks that is a looney! :lol:
Well, I'm not arguing with you there. I've personally never actually bought a Powerglove album, but my husband has and his fellow game artists like them (he works for EA). I have fun whenever Powerglove goes on stage, I think they're goofy in a fun way, and they don't completely offend my senses.

And you'd be surprised how many of us nerds don't just work for Gamestop. We're everywhere.


I'll do just that.
