Sabaton opening for Overkill in NYC

So, Sabaton is going from Fla to Virginia, and not playing Atlanta or anywhere in between...but there are two open dates available. Hmmmmm.


Hell - if they are dead set on driving up I-95, and not detouring through ATL, at least schedule a show in Savannah/Charleston/Myrtle. I don't want to have to road trip to Orlando unless it is taking the fam to Disney.
I must be missing something, because Sabaton to me is kind of like, say, Cyclone Temple or Powermad. That is to say, a second rate band that will never climb to the top of the genre in terms of sales and popularity. I can see Accept & Overkill co-headlining, but never sharing the stage equally with a band like Sabaton.
I must be missing something, because Sabaton to me is kind of like, say, Cyclone Temple or Powermad. That is to say, a second rate band that will never climb to the top of the genre in terms of sales and popularity. I can see Accept & Overkill co-headlining, but never sharing the stage equally with a band like Sabaton.
On their European tour on which SABATON headlined, tons of the dates were sold out and quite a number of them were upgraded to larger venues. Check their site and look at their tour dates. They're monstrous over there. Headlining over ACCEPT and OVERKILL. No way. But on their own they're still huge.
Key words..."European tour". This is America. The mindless masses will never support a band like Sabaton or any other "new" heavy metal act to the extent that Overkill and other bands from back in the day. Overkill is a known and trusted source of old school. Its just the way of the USA...if MTV, VH1 and other outlets such as these do not play it, it will not be respected by "...We the sheeple..."
Key words..."European tour". This is America. The mindless masses will never support a band like Sabaton or any other "new" heavy metal act to the extent that Overkill and other bands from back in the day. Overkill is a known and trusted source of old school. Its just the way of the USA...if MTV, VH1 and other outlets such as these do not play it, it will not be respected by "...We the sheeple..."
You didn't specifically say the States in your post. I took it as a general statement.
Key words..."European tour". This is America. The mindless masses will never support a band like Sabaton or any other "new" heavy metal act to the extent that Overkill and other bands from back in the day. Overkill is a known and trusted source of old school. Its just the way of the USA...if MTV, VH1 and other outlets such as these do not play it, it will not be respected by "...We the sheeple..."

Calm down. Cherion said it as a joke anyway.
I must be missing something, because Sabaton to me is kind of like, say, Cyclone Temple or Powermad.
They write catchy songs and have a superb stage show. Throw in a lot of big choruses and a very unique vocalist, and you have something of a winning combination. That said, I would guess that the band's overall lack of musical ability and redundant nature of their songs, likely means the band has peeked. Time will tell.

As I rank Overkill behind only Anthrax, Megadeth and Metallica in the Thrash genre, the idea of Sabaton headlining above them seems crazy. But hey, to each their own.
It looks like Accept is headlining the 13th show. It will be Accept and Sabaton. (And me. >.>)

Needless to say, I'm hella-excited. So many camo pants!! So much long hair!
They write catchy songs and have a superb stage show. Throw in a lot of big choruses and a very unique vocalist, and you have something of a winning combination. That said, I would guess that the band's overall lack of musical ability and redundant nature of their songs, likely means the band has peeked. Time will tell.

As I rank Overkill behind only Anthrax, Megadeth and Metallica in the Thrash genre, the idea of Sabaton headlining above them seems crazy. But hey, to each their own.

I am curious to see how much longer Sabaton can stay "on top." As it is, the songwriting in their latest album was a notch below the previous stuff. The band puts on a fantastic show, no doubt about that. I wonder how much more of the same can the masses take, though.
I'm actually a huge Sabaton fan, myself.. but I agree that their last album didn't grab me as much as their earlier stuff. Kind of like Hammerfall. I'm hoping their new stuff gets better, because I like their style, I love their vocalist, and I imagine that with a little more imagination, they can make more memorable songs. We'll see! I hope they keep it up, I think they're awesome.
Since Overkill is actually going to be headlining the NYC show, does anyone know if Sabaton's set will be shortened? If Sabaton's set is reduced to 30 min, I might end up skipping this one (too many shows that week).