I'm trying to recover mine from PF yesterday, so I can scream for them today :Smokin::Smokin::Smokin:
Glenn and I had a drink with them last night when they arrived... VERY cool guys.

~ Jen
PF Cage and Sabaton all with in 24 hours, MY THROAT WILL BLEED!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS MMEETTAALLLLL!!!!!!!
Curious how big HH is around non-Boston locales.
Here their shows are so packed you can't even move. Walk a couple of city blocks and you're likely to pass ten kids in their hoodies.
Their last shows (which I hope to attend) are going to be a riot.
Curious how big HH is around non-Boston locales.
Here their shows are so packed you can't even move. Walk a couple of city blocks and you're likely to pass ten kids in their hoodies.
Their last shows (which I hope to attend) are going to be a riot.

They're big here, but Atlanta has a pretty good sized hardcore scene. Show was sold out, but that club only holds 300 people. I'm not sure how well it would have done if it were moved to a slightly bigger place, but that is the perfect venue as far as I'm concerned so I'm glad it was there. I do see a lot of their t-shirts at shows. They had an awesome Descendents ripoff shirt design that I regret not picking up.

I'm hoping to try and make it up for their last show. That lineup is stacked. I was planning on going to that festival in Boston in a week or two, but turns out I have a test the next day so I would have to miss half the bands I would be flying out to see to get back in time.
That SABATON set was just fucking plain sick! Holy shit did that kick some major ass last night. I was blown away and to be honest, I think they took the night.

Also, I got to chat with them immediately after the set backstage and they, themselves were blown away at the awesome reception/response you guys put out for them.

I am so proud and honored to have been a sponsor for these guys. Just so totally awesome, plus, as was mentioned, what a great bunch of guys who just love what they are doing.

Indeed, a PROUD sponsor of SABATON for ProgPower X
Holy Shit! They completely stole the show last night! That was one of the MOST POWERFUL live preformances I have ever seen! Considering I had not got around to checking them until a month ago, I can already not wait to see them again! Freaking Awesome!
I have been to every PP since 5 and this was the Top 5 progpowerusa performance ever IMO I had to take a piss so bad but was not moving. Please bring them back for the showcase next year. Damn these guys tore that stage apart.
Steve and I are proud to have been co-sponsors of SABATON last night. Did they kick effing ass or what? :lol:

Seriously - Thank you Glenn for booking them, and for letting us be sponsors. (I'll do a whole "thanks" post later on). But we are so stoked to have been there in the pit by the stage... the entire set!
As much as I enjoyed the other bands last night, the Sabaton set slayed. I said last year they should have headlined, but it's good to hear they will in the future. The whole day was excellent though, and made the 1000-mile drive to Atlanta worth it for me.
One of the best Progpower performances I have ever seen. Just amazing crowd response. The band just flat out brought their A game. So glad I got to see it. On another note, was anyone else worried that Urban Breed was going to kill someone with the mic stand during Crimson Glory last night? I mean damn!
One of the best Progpower performances I have ever seen. Just amazing crowd response. The band just flat out brought their A game. So glad I got to see it. On another note, was anyone else worried that Urban Breed was going to kill someone with the mic stand during Crimson Glory last night? I mean damn!

Ha! I was thinking the same thing last night.
Urban has a black belt in mike stand. He did the same thing with Tad Morose, and I don't recall him hitting anyone then either. As reckless as it looks I think he's acutely aware of where everyone is on stage. That said, those on stage that don't know him might have been a little nervous.
Sabaton did what Brainstorm did for PP5. Talking with the guys at the Artmore, they were pleasently surprised with the energy of the crowd and how well they were received. Frankly, with the amount of humor they had going on on stage despite the seriousness of their songs make it even better for me. Also, Those of you sadly not close enough to view Jolkim's shoelaces may get a good laugh out of the contrast between them and the rest of his gear... and no, I dont mean the full frontal balls we got last night :lol: