Sabaton- The Next Manowar?


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
Before anyone jumps down my throat, I think the comparison is justified if perhaps not completely true. Sabaton definitely has a long way to go to possibly fill Manowar's shoes, and many will probably say there's no way that Sabaton could ever come close to Manowar (let me add that I'm not even sure they're capable). All I do know is that Sabaton are fucking badass and play heavy war-metal, similar to Manowar. Their first three albums (their fourth is full of reissued and re-released songs) are incredible, and their most recent, 'Attero Dominatus' will blow your fucking balls off. They're power metal; but a brutal, hammering kind of power metal. If anyone wants to check them out, here's their myspace page:

The only complaint I sometimes have about them: occasionally their guitar solos sound pussified, which I don't understand considering the bombastic sound of the full band (eg: the solo to "Light in the Black" sounds so wimpy and skinny, it's just too bad because it's an awesome song).

Hope you dig 'em lads.
Yeah they're a cool band. Is it me or does it sound like someone is playing a kazoo in the background sometimes? I thought I had blown a speaker. It's especially prominant during the chorus of Prima Victoria. Nevertheless, I likes 'em.