Sad days for unwanted pets...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Yesterday in one of our smaller counties here in Tennessee, an administrator of a local volunteer 'no kill' animal shelter was forced to put down 40 dogs. This was due to a lack of donations, which meant the shelter could no longer care for them. The administrator paid to euthanize the dogs out of her own pocket (which, even with the administering vet's generousity still cost her $140). She greeted each and every dog one last time before they met their fate (the picture in our paper of her on the steps with the dogs is just heartbreaking). Several volunteers have quit the shelter over this incident, which just makes things worse for the remaining pets at the shelter...

One of the directors of another animal shelter commented "It would be nice to save every dog in the world, or every cat, every animal. It's not possible".

So I would ask that those who do care about such things take a more active interest in this situation. Sooo many animals are put down annually nationwide due to lack of ability to take care of them, and something needs to change...

Please donate to your local shelter, spay your pets, encourage your friends to be responsible owners, etc. etc. etc. The pets in the world look to us to take care of them - the responsibility is ours.
This problem is not limited to domestics. The zoo Cat Tales where I am on the board of directors specializes in big cats. Many of these cats were rescued from various knuckle draggers that though they'd made good pets, until they got too big, then were abused and had to be taken away. Many of the cats would have been euthnaized had it not been for the center taking them in. Currently the center feeds out over 6 tons of meat per month and receives no government money of any kind. It is supported entirely on donations, gate receipts, etc.
This topic really hits a soft spot for me. I wish I could do more for these animals. I can't stand it when people think that they are just that.......disposable animals. They have souls dammit! I wish I were rich and could help more, but until then, I can only give what I can to the local shelters and HSUS and other organizations like Best Friends in Kanab, Utah (great place!). Even if you can just give a bag of dog/cat food to these shelters it helps them out. And if you don't want to give $, just go and give the animals some love.....but be careful, those furry guys have a way of making it hard to leave empty handed!;)
Many organizations allow you to adopt a wild don't actually get to take one home but proceeds from the "adoption" help maintain their habitat/ cost of living expenses...and you get adoption papers and a sense of helping out. So far, I've "adopted" a white tiger named Nevada (in Las Vegas, Nevada) and a bat (in Carlsbad, New Mexico) named Fred. For real adoptions, please visit your local humane society or animal shelter..especially if you're interested in a larger dog. Little dogs get adopted very quickly but larger dogs have a harder time I was told.
Originally posted by Steph Harris
Many organizations allow you to adopt a wild don't actually get to take one home but proceeds from the "adoption" help maintain their habitat/ cost of living expenses...and you get adoption papers and a sense of helping out. So far, I've "adopted" a white tiger named Nevada (in Las Vegas, Nevada) and a bat (in Carlsbad, New Mexico) named Fred. For real adoptions, please visit your local humane society or animal shelter..especially if you're interested in a larger dog. Little dogs get adopted very quickly but larger dogs have a harder time I was told.

That is really cool Wanda... I look forward to seeing Nevada!
Yep, check this story out. Looks like we may be fostering a home for a big doggy starting tomorrow for a couple weeks til he's found a new loving home. This dog was found wandering the streets cuz his now previous owner adopted him to be a watch dog at his business. Turns out the dog was "too friendly" so the bastard just turned him loose in the street! The dog was just waiting to be let back in his home and left out on the street to fend for himself! The owners never returned any phone calls until the shelter called him and got him on the phone. All he had to say was he didn't want him and he relinquished his rights to the dog. This BURNS ME UP! The dog was going to be put down tomorrow just because he was "TOO FRIENDLY!!!!" but at least now he has a chance. Anyone interested in a 3 year old male German Shepherd mix? He's fixed!
Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
Yep, check this story out. Looks like we may be fostering a home for a big doggy starting tomorrow ... The dog was going to be put down tomorrow just because he was "TOO FRIENDLY!!!!" but at least now he has a chance. Anyone interested in a 3 year old male German Shepherd mix? He's fixed!

FUCK! This mentality just pisses me off!!! I am glad you were there Linda! I wish I could take him, he sounds soooo cool! So, someone in So. Cal. adopt him!

I have afriend who adopted a Rottweiler Dachshund cross (I wonder who stood in the milk crate!). He has a Rott. head on a Dach. body, but he is one of the most awesome dogs I've seen. And talk about freakin' smart!