Where did my thread go!! about Schwartzenegger's Bunny and Dog Final Solution

my mother went into anaphlaxis and was about 2 minutes from dying the last time a cat came into a room she was in. so i'd say, NO you're not violently allergic. you're like, wimpy allergic.
lucky for her, i'm allergic to bees and happened to have an allergy adrenaline kit.

so what? you want to just kill dogs or get rid of them b/c they can't be morally responsible? we should do that with the mentally ill. and babies. and old people too. and maybe we could do that with bears?
"violently" as in it makes me want to punch myself for burying my face in the kitty's fur when, ten minutes later, my neck has swollen up and my eyes have closed and i'm scratching like crazy and all splotchy,

Dr. Prepter Singer!
I'd wager that around 99% of dog-related injuries can be traced back to people being irresponsible. same goes for Arrow and your mistreatment of that poor cat.
so, basically you weren't dying. so yea, i think my mom's situation is a bit more critical.

'hey mom i know you can't breathe and you're dying but, come on cats are so cute'

also, i am going to call my dad at 3 and i am totally telling him all this stuff alex says about dogs. i held off, but this is the last straw!
well that exactly what i said, avi, which is why i don't say dogs should be whipped with switches UNTIL THEY BEHAVE, THOSE BASTARDS!!! but, you know, we don't let people have personal nuclear arsenals because undoubtedly one fuckhead who can't handle it properly would ruin it for everyone else. dogs are similar. everyone should not be allowed to own a dog. only people who will treat it properly.

and you only think i mistreat Arrow because of baliset's propagregda.
because i am responsible and know that i cannot devote enough time to ensuring my pet does not savage and shit all over other people, i would not own a dog.

i would be perfectly capable of owning an animal that wouldn't harm others, though. my turtle is perfectly happy as he is.