Sad news....Teri from Mistress Of metal and hard n' heavy

Rocky Balboa

New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2007
Sad news from PM:x2 about teri, her hubby posted this... let's be prepared to help, if there is anything we can do... til then, please send your thoughts.. might be best to use the thread on PM:x2

Here is the xpost text from Phil:

I am Teri's husband Phil. I didn't know where else to give this information, but I do know this is where most of her metal friends are. It is also the one easy bookmark I found on her computer.
Teri is a private person about her health, so I don't think anyone knows how sick she has been for a long time. Lately she has had additional diagnoses and taken a turn for the worse.
She is currently on a great deal of pain medication along with other drugs, and rests most of the time now. I do not know when she will be able to do her show, sit up at a computer, or be in contact with anyone.
I know she is involved in many mailing lists and I am not aware of them, I hope people who read this here and are also part of those lists will pass the word.
There are friends she has here who she sometimes talks to on the phone. Please do not call her. She needs as much rest as possible. I am trying to bolster her strength. Her main concern is that she is good enough to go to Prog Power, which she insists she will go to even if it is in a pine box. I would prefer she goes under her own power in a plane.
So will people who know the Seismic Radio staff please tell them, and any other places that involve her metal activities that might need to know. Good thoughts will help.
I apologize if this was an improper forum for this message. Thank you

***I took this post from PMX2...........Teri, hang tough, we love you..........Tom Argo

Author Message
Hey Teri hang in there know that we are praying for you and you are in our prayers, we love you dearly.

J-Man and Family
Teri posted a follow up in that thread. She's doing a bit better than some feared, but is in the process of being treated for several auto-immune disorders. She still plans to be at Prog Power, and eventually gain control over all of these ailments.

My best goes out to her ... lets hope she whips it in short order.

Shit! I saw this and feared the worst. I thought it was a very bad update.
Again, I will say I hope Terri pulls through, and am looking forward to seeing her @ Prog Power. She's a classy woman whom I'm happy to have met through the boards, and previous Prog Powers. Count me in if there's anything I/we can do to help. You're in my thoughts and prayers Terri!
Teri posted a follow up in that thread. She's doing a bit better than some feared, but is in the process of being treated for several auto-immune disorders. She still plans to be at Prog Power, and eventually gain control over all of these ailments.

My best goes out to her ... lets hope she whips it in short order.


****She's a tough woman with a positive outlook in general.
Teri posted a follow-up a few days ago:

First of all, thank you so much for the outpouring of good vibes... i swear i felt em through the drug-induced haze i seem to be in a lot lately...

one of the most touching things to me, reading down, is seeing names i havent seen on this board in a long time. i hope this is the start of seeing those names more often?

im sorry phil unwittingly commandeered the board away from the usual music stuff, but he meant well... when he told me there were so many responses, i figured i better get my ass up and let everyone get on with their regularly scheduled music discussion....

anyway, here are the facts, since i don't want anyone to think i have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

my husband is a caring supportive guy who tends to worry too much, and protect me more than this stubborn redhead needs to be protected...if you know me well you know i tend to be nauseatingly upbeat... so i will be damned if i am gonna let some stupid illnesses keep me down.

the bottom line is i have a variety stew of autoimmune diseases. this isnt new... it started 22 years ago.... i just seem to keep adding to them.

as of now, i have bragging rights to Hashimoto's disease, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, MCTD (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease), and Reynauds syndrome.

hey, at least i am not suffering from spontaneous combustion syndrome!

if you have a week or so with nothing better to do with your time, i suppose you could look em all up, but the upshot is, my body hates me. i guess this is only fair, since i am not nuts about my body, either...

but the real important thing is, i am not going to die from all this. i admit sometimes i WISH i would, but i am going to be around a long time to annoy you guys.... i just wont be around as much as i would like.

i DO get tired a lot, and i AM in a lot of pain.. but i expect to get a lot of this stuff regulated as time goes on, and if you havent seen me give in before, you are not going to see me give in now.

I WILL be at progpower, hell or high water... i have a perfect attendance medal i am shooting for..

well, that is about it for me now... back to catching up on all the sleep i didnt seem to get for the last 30 years... at this rate i should be even in about another week....

again, thanks so much to everyone... you cannot really know how much it means to me... metalheads are indeed the nicest people in the world... i love you guys!

Thank you for sharing Glenn. Teri has always been a class act and has rightfully earned the respect of many of her peers over the years.

I'm glad to hear that she's doing better and my best wishes for a speedy and complete return to her spunky form. :kickass:

I say we give that stubborn redhead that perfect attendance record.

As it is, my mom suffers from Bachettes Disease, which is a different form of what Teri is going through, and it SUCKS to see someone suffer that much every day. So Teri, you are definitely incredibly strong, and I do hope you keep that strength up for a long time!

I don't know Terri but I feel for ya girl!!!

The Myofascial Pain Syndrome SUCKS (fellow sufferer and medicated patron for 8 years in the wonderful world of MPS or CMP( Chronic Myofascial Pain) - they keep changing the name!!! Any name it's got, it sucks) and with the others on top of it... WOW... You are DEFINITELY in my thoughts n' prayers!!

Lots of rest, take the pills, let them work and I hope n' pray they don't keep you unconcious or that your tolerance to them builds quickly... Take care of yourself!!!

PS - thermapads RULE!!!!! They help me ALOT
sorry to hear that you're having a lot of problems. You probably have a knowledgeable medical team, but you should also look into trigger point therapy for myofascial pain in addition to acupuncture (and acupressure), especially for pain management. I'm no expert, but if anything should help you manage the pain better, then I think it's worth looking into. I also have to manage pain on a daily basis and I have been frustrated (disgusted) with the doctors and their pills and such. Best wishes.