Saddam sentenced to death... by hanging

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced Sunday to hang for crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town, as the ousted leader, trembling and defiant, shouted "God is great!"

np: At the Gallow's End
Did anyone think that he would end up with a NOT guilty sentence?

That is the part I find most funny. OH well, good riddance to bad trash.

Of course though, the soldiers are the ones who are going to have to endure the hardships once the Saddam supporters start blowning more shit up.
meh, I'm pretty much against death sentences.......

edit: especially by hanging, are we in the fucking 19th century?
This is so stupid. Tee's right, now the world goes screaming down highway 666 in a turbo-charged hand basket. OK, so President Dumbshit had to find Saddam publicly after his miserable failure with Osama. Fine. So we couldn't just "disappear" him. Whatever. But now we can't just jail him for life and let people loose interest, no, we've got to turn him into a martyr.


So are we going to try and fix this by air-dropping more peanut butter, plastic forks and handi-wipes?

*beats head on desk*
good job mister bush, you can blow saddam, because if i recall rumsfeld was saddams best friend and supplied him with formulas for chemical weapons in exchange for saddam not trading with the russians. Watch history channel
Anyone with a memory exceeding what they had for lunch today will find this entire situation funny yet sickening.

Saddam was supported by short sighted Western foreign policy, and providing his penchant for being a Genocidal dictator did not interfere with our self absorbed lives we did not care.

Oh the fucking hypocrisy.

For the record, if we can prosecture Saddam and hang him, Reagan and Bush Snr should be too. Supporting genocidal leaders and sometimes even installing mad-bastards as leaders (in place of demo-fucking-cratically elected leaders - Pinochet anyone?) is as bad as doing it yourself, IMHO.

Thankfully time got that hack Reagan. Teddy Kennedy in a fucking pick up truck would do fine for Bush Snr.

DAMN, does this annoy me. For the record though, Saddam can burn, I don't care. I just wish all the rhetoric and bullshit surrounding it was not there.

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