Sadus live video 1989

WTF? Hey Steve, can You give us some details 'bout this gig ? :D this is some really crazy shit :D
I'm pretty sure that was in the summer of 1989 in Fresno CA. We went down there with Autopsy (I can see Danny Corales behind the stage at one point) and Hexx, After all of us played, Betrayal played, a band that appeared on the Raging Death comp with us, Obituary (Xecutioner) and Atheist (R.A.V.A.G.E.). We took a flatbed Datsun with wood side gates, threw in our amps, drums and a small sofa and drove down the long flat freeway that cuts through the middle of the state of California. Me, Jon and a friend/roadie dude - Scurvy Blade we all got burnt to a crisp from sun burn. The night after that gig we went to the hotel with the Hexx and Autopsy guys and did the obligatory 'throw food and other hotel room objects into the pool' and other shit to piss off the cool local promoter guy (sorry man...).
Kinda funny to see how we looked almost 2 decades ago. The sound isn't actually that bad and we were playing at a nice warp speed. Who the hell filmed this, who has the footage and why the hell did this surface at this time? Ahh... part of the preparation of the 20 year anniversary of the first album...? Well, I beat ya to it... kinda sorta, oops...
I have the whole footage, but I did not film it. I got it from a guy in the U.S. many years ago. You're right, Autopsy and Hexx also played (I have them on tape too, but not Betrayal). I think the location is actually Sanger, not far from Fresno anyhow. Looks like it was a real white THRASH party out there, haha.

By the way, click on my username in YouTube to see other vid's I've put out.
Hey bowelripper, great footage!
I think you should upload the full video, this if Steve didn't oposed to that!

Steve, do you use the stock pickup on that Rickenbacker? I ask this because there are lots of people that complain about the the stock Ric sound.. I'm not the right person to argue about this, since, unfortunatly I never tried one Ric before... I'm just curious...
Interesting footage. Those guys doing the mosh look really gooffy during the day on a backyard! :lol:

Another portuguese? Great!

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