SADUS show flyers: Brasil, Switzerland, Germany

I want to announce some travel plans for the Sadudes...
In September we are once again going down to the Southern Hemisphere region fora para sangue novamente en Brazil:
19 – São Paulo @ Hangar 110
20 – Belo Horizonte/MG @ Bar Brazil
21 – TBC (Brasil)
22 – Porto Alegre/RS @ Bar Opinião

And off to Euroland a few weeks later:
09 - TBC (Strasbourg France)
10 - Erstfeld Switzerland @ Transilvania Live
11 - Würzburg Germany @ Soundpark-Ost...Thrash Assault 3 Festival

This is part of a show flurry (aye... not a snow flurry in Buffalo!) that we're building on. There will be more shows to announce in the near future. But these are confirmed and we hope that the word gets out and you take this as official word from me and the band that we will be there, then, ready to kill. See you there...!!!