Saint Vitus coming to Chicago

It probably will not be sold out, though doom's popularity in Chicago increases daily so you never know.

Last time they played Bada Brew with Helmet. Not sure how the draw was.

I don't care if there are 10 people or 500 people. I NEED to see Vitus!!!!!!
I was not able to last time and I was really worried I wouldn't get the chance.

I am still kicking myself for missing their reunion show at Double Door in 04 or whatever it was.

If I recall, it was either on the 4th of July or the day before or after.
I think the draw will be really good for this. As Jason said...doom is getting more and more popular. Also with it being near Cobra Lounge and Empty Bottle....that crowd will be there for sure.

Simon, it is the kind of show you go to late at night and drink beers too.:lol:
I think Simon is the only one from here who went.
How was it?

I heard Randy Blythe was there. Interesting.

Vitus was good, but honestly I was so annoyed by how terrible the earlier bands was, I was sorta spent by the time they hit the stage. It also was getting late, and at the earliest it would've been over, would've been midnight, then I'd get home around 1 and have to get up at 5, so I stuck around until 11:20.

Anyways, it was a good performance. My only issues is playing 5 songs off the new album. I like the new album, but that's a bit much.
I agree....with terrible opening bands it can really effect your mood at a show. Sucks you had to Chicago standards though that was an early show.

Had my mood been better, I probably would've stuck it out. Also, I didn't realize there was going to be three openers.
You forgot the golden rule in going to a doom show...............