Saint Vitus coming to Chicago

Yeah, you and I had discussed this.
There is other things they can do, like advertise that the show ends at 11, but bar still open to 2.
Have a guest DJ or something, so people know there will still be good tunes.
Maybe even offer drink specials once the show is over to keep the drinkers in house.
Yeah, you and I had discussed this.
There is other things they can do, like advertise that the show ends at 11, but bar still open to 2.
Have a guest DJ or something, so people know there will still be good tunes.
Maybe even offer drink specials once the show is over to keep the drinkers in house.

I agree....even putting it out there on the flyer or front door of the show would let people know the endtime of the show. Like you music and have drink specials. I dont know why more clubs dont do this.
Or do what ND did that one year at their annual show.
Be the headliner, but still have another band play after you.
This way there is still music going later on, but the main band people came to see would still end at a reasonable time.
Or do what ND did that one year at their annual show.
Be the headliner, but still have another band play after you.
This way there is still music going later on, but the main band people came to see would still end at a reasonable time.

I think more bands should do works out well for all really. The people who stick around to watch the last band would be the ones watching them if they played early on...sure you will play to a less crowded room but you know that going in. Plus if people are interested in checking out your band...they are already there.

For a person just going to see the actually may get more people out at the show who may not have gone because they knew it would be a late show so they just decided against going. I have missed lots of shows for that reason.
Be the headliner, but still have another band play after you.
This way there is still music going later on, but the main band people came to see would still end at a reasonable time.

TOTALLY agree with this. I think that's what pissed me off so much the other night. I really wanted to see Vitus, but I really HATED those other bands.