Saints and Numbers, new mix


more metal, more booze!!!
hey yall, just did a quick hour job on this mix. The band is one of the guys in the class, they are called Saints and Numbers and this track is called Sunshine

it was recorded at college by our lecturer and students using the C24 studio (neve, drawmer, tlaudio pres). i wasnt there for any of the recording, and if i was i would have miced the amp properly, as it has been a pain in the arse to eq!!! anywhoo theres some DIs that i can use for reamps when i have time. (its a mesa recto on the track would you believe!)

if you need more details then just ask n ill see if i can work it out from the track comments in PT

there some basic stuff i need to do (mainly sample replacement issues), the guitar overlay is too quiet, i havent really focused on the bass too much and the vox are a quick comp>eq jobby

just seeing what y'all think!

Vox are now tuned, less OH's, bit more verb on the drums in general and a few edits on the sample replacement - Sunshine MJ QuickMix1.mp3
Pretty cool dude, though immediately the first thing that comes to mind is the hat is too loud (and quite harsh), and I feel like I'm hearing some pumping on the overall drum mix (cymbals especially) that's pretty fatiguing. Diggin' the guitar and bass tones, NOT diggin' the vox, but I guess his pitch is mostly ok, so it's more just his style I don't like. What'd you use for bass, Sansamp?
hmm surprising about the drum mix, not much compression going on, maybe 2dbs maxm yeah i agree with the cymbals being too loud in the mix, maybe the eq ive used.

the guitar tones have taken alot of work! the bass was miced up with a 421 on the amp (dont know the amp) and DI'd running through a bit of Ampeg SVX and blended.

i agree with it being a bit too loud did a very quick job on the master buss, gnna try tune the vox up a bit see if they sound a bit better in the mix! cheers marcus!