
Apr 16, 2003
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this is my hello thread thing, because i'm scared of the official one. i am an opeth girl, and i'm going to stick to the opeth forums :)
umm.. yeah, i'm allie. i live in melbourne, and saw opeth last week. well, "saw" opeth. i actually couldn't really see anything, being some ridiculously short height, but i heard them. and that was one of the most splendid experiences of my life.
and oh god, the eyecandy at that gig.. :yow:
contrary to popular opinion, i thought alchemist were fantastic. i couldn't see them either, but they were really good. and i want to see them again now.

but anyway, my fingers are cold. and i am going to read other threads. fare thee well :)
I hope I wasn't one of those Tall-People standing in your way!!! :eek: :cry:

But yeah, Twas a great night indeed! :D

But why O' why is your reputation OFF! :OMG:

Makes it very hard to give Rep to the new lass! ;)

Anyhwho, enjoy your stay! :wave:
Go into User CP (Link up the top), then pn THAT page click on the 'OPTIONS' link, then click on the 'Show Your Reputation?' Radio button.... That ought to do the trick! ;)

Where abouts where you in the Mlbourne gig anyways?

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i was near the front of the little stage when chalice were playing, then near the middle-middle for alchemist, and i somehow gravitated to the back when opeth played. just in front of the sound thing with the coloured knobs. i don't know why we ended up in that shoddy position, but people weren't very nice when we tried to go further to the front. wenches :(
oh, wait, i remember now. we had to go outside (in the fucking rain) between alchemist & opeth, cause my friend was HOT. FUCK. whatever. it was ace anyway.

where were you?
All over the bloody place!!

Unfortunately for me, unlike at the Brisbane gig, I didn't manage to keep front row centre for most of the gig... actually, I didn't last much more than half a song into first Opeth song! :eek:

My brother was on the steps RIGHT up the back corner for most of the gig so I started out there.... spent most of the Alchemist set in the middle of the mosh pit, though there was little 'moshing' to speak of at that point.

I manage to squeeze myself up to about 2-3 rows back and slightly off to the right, right next to this cute (an prolly somewhat insane) little goth chick, who managed to get in even further than ME once things started, which was no mean feat for a lass not much over 5 feet tall! Then the Opeth set started. Unfortunately, about halfway through the opening song someone managed to hit my metal watch with enough force to snap one of the pins! :eek:

So anyway, I made my way back down to the back and drop my now useless watch of to my brother, the ntried to make my way back to where I was.. but never quite got back to where I was..... It was so packed you'd prolly have to be willing to throw a few elbows to get back up the front, especially with my height. :s

I managed to catch the thing on the way to the ground..... which I am gratefull for, cos I sincerely doubt I woulda been able to retrieve it from the ground it was so closely packed!

So yeah, other than that, O pretty much kept making my way uo and down the right hand side... depending on what was playing at the time, and towards the end I made my way back to the steps up the back, as I could pretty much see over everyone else anyways... :D

Did you actually manage to SEE much of anything?
that's really strange - i chipped my watch that night as well. the glass front thing on it.
do you mean the steps of the little stage thing? that would have given you a pretty perfect view.. i would've loved to be standing there! :(

i had a pretty good view of the guitarist of chalice, but that's about all. i'm like.. 156cm or something. i need to invest in some chunky docs to add a few cm, methinks. plus they're sexy.
i saw mikael for about .4seconds, and i saw peter for about 10 seconds in total. but there was this really gorgeous guy just to my left who i was looking at quite a lot ;)
actually, it was quite strange hearing mikael talking between songs. like the voice of god, especially when he went 'hushhhh hushhh'. aww :)

so yers, for the most part, i saw hair and black clothing. but it was still awesome.
For the alchemist set i was standing pretty much in the middle of the stage, 3 rows of people back. There was a really short girl just behind me to my left.. wondered how she'd see anything!

I'm pretty short too, and once Opeth got on i had to move because i was being killed. I spent the rest of the night watching from the right hand side of the place.
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Bloody Pollyanna said:
that's really strange - i chipped my watch that night as well. the glass front thing on it.
do you mean the steps of the little stage thing? that would have given you a pretty perfect view.. i would've loved to be standing there! :(

Then you shoulda headed up there!! The little stage in the back corner wasn't packed like it was up the front most of the time... and obviously the sound was just as good, no matter where you stood. :D

Bloody Pollyanna said:
but there was this really gorgeous guy just to my left who i was looking at quite a lot ;)

Well it's nice to hear that you had both Aural and Visual entertainment to keep yourself occupied througout the night. :rolleyes: :Smug:

Hey Polly, welcome! I'm not very tall either. Lucky I managed to see a fair bit though. Don't think 156cm is that bad. There was a group of girls who were reeeeally short. They pretty much gave up on trying to jump or squeeze in anywhere and just stood there, looking quite lost.

Speaking of eyecandy, there was this really yummy guy up front towards the left of the stage. I enjoyed looking at him as well :)