Sample enhancement / replacement on cymbals


Oct 10, 2009
Is sample enhancement / replacement on cymbals feasible ? I have some drum tracks that are pretty damn good , but the dude who recorded them didn't mic very well so the whole kit bleeds really badly into the cymbal mics. I was thinking of maybe blending some samples over them with drumagog , I'm pretty sure complete replacement would sound fake . Also , with overheads , what do you guys do about them when the drums are edited , but you can still quite well hear the unedited original drums in the overheads? At some parts you can easily hear double snare hits etc... how do you fix this without quantizing the hell out of the overheads ? Would a gate / expander work at all? I've tried it once before and it seems that cymbals don't work well with gates or expanders... I would love some help on this ! Thanks:kickass:
you're supposed to edit everything together, overheads included.

I learned to edit in groups , (kick and snare , toms etc) especially when you have a ton of bleed , otherwise you would have a hell of a time getting things on the grid , and you'd end up throwing more things off than on. But I guess either way works.
I learned to edit in groups , (kick and snare , toms etc) especially when you have a ton of bleed , otherwise you would have a hell of a time getting things on the grid , and you'd end up throwing more things off than on. But I guess either way works.

I think especially when you have a ton of bleed is when you absolutely need to edit everything together. Kick separately is often okay for me though.
I think especially when you have a ton of bleed is when you absolutely need to edit everything together. Kick separately is often okay for me though.

it depends on the musik. if theres a lot chugga chugga and "roaaaaawwwwear" and you just edit the kick, you wont notice much difference between the bleed and the kick. but it depends on how much the kick was off-grid...but you have to be more careful with the snare. at least that's what i have experienced so far...
it depends on the musik. if theres a lot chugga chugga and "roaaaaawwwwear" and you just edit the kick, you wont notice much difference between the bleed and the kick. but it depends on how much the kick was off-grid...but you have to be more careful with the snare. at least that's what i have experienced so far...

I never edit the snare seperate of the over heads! Or toms for that matter. Kick just seems to work, as you said in chuggas. In anything other than metal, I'd say you can't even get away with that.