Sample of V.F.T.S.G

You guys are trippin...
The bass is such a small contribution in a well written and overall well played song. Or do I have to go to Vintersorg's forum to see the compliments for his vocal performance, or his or Mattias guitar work? I don't believe Asgeir has his own forum, where do I go to read posted compliments on the superb drumming?

Hehehe...I do appreciate it though. And this one is merely one in a batch of even brighter gems! And since we're on the subject of the bass - wait until you hear The Explorer and Spegelsfären...oh wait, there's ESP Mirage too...and...and...

All kinds of Hippieness on this one!
I d/l'ed it the other day , what I can hear sounds really good and not only the bass , too bad my computer does not give the music justice though the miniature plastic-fantastic speakers....
Now , if only Mr.V could send me a fully mastered version....:)
Hehehe, Tyr sure he will... :)

By the way Steve, I appreciate all the great work from what I heard sofar, unfortunately my speakers aren't the best (think I can join Tyr here)... so I'm really looking forward hearing all the hippieness on the album on my stereo... think I don't need to mention that I'm a huge fan of all of you.... most of all of Vintersorg... :p
Who did the keyboard parts? Maybe I should ask this on the Vintersorg forum...
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
You guys are trippin...
The bass is such a small contribution in a well written and overall well played song. Or do I have to go to Vintersorg's forum to see the compliments for his vocal performance, or his or Mattias guitar work? I don't believe Asgeir has his own forum, where do I go to read posted compliments on the superb drumming?

Well, okay, of course we have to compliment mr V for is vocal performance because his voice is great.
But as I said before I was really like "wow" when I heard the track..... I have to admit that I usually don't pay too much attention to the bass *shame on me*. Maybe I should do that...who knows what I missed elsewhere already!? :eek:

Anyway: great work of all involved.
The track that's available isn't giving Steve totally justice, youknow, at some parts Bass need to support the guitars, just wait until you get the album, I'm still fall into a psychosis every time I hear the really Bass oriented songs like, ESP Mirage, The Explorer..etc... the fretless guru are the man!!

mr V
Vintersorg, stop talking about the album we can't have yet ! :bah:
You really know how to keep us in suspense... and I don't want to wait anymore ;) Fortunately the day of the release isn't
that far away.
Originally posted by Vintersorg
The track that's available isn't giving Steve totally justice, youknow, at some parts Bass need to support the guitars, just wait until you get the album, I'm still fall into a psychosis every time I hear the really Bass oriented songs like, ESP Mirage, The Explorer..etc... the fretless guru are the man!!

mr V

Aaaaaahhh, I want it now... 32 days... way to long... :D