Sample Rate Conversion Issues. Help!!!


Mar 6, 2007
I've tried searching online for an answer to this without any luck so I'm hoping maybe someone here might know the answer? I'm stuck at this point.

Right, so I recorded rhythms for a metal song using Reaper @ 48khz + 24bit
4 tracks of PodFarm 2.5 for guitars; 2 rhythm tracks + 2 harmony/layered tracks in parts.

[Guitar > art pro mpaII > art pro vlaII > line 6 UX2 > laptop > reaper]

The problem I'm having is that when I attempt to render it down to 44.1 + 16bit, one of the main rhythm tracks seems to have disabled PodFarm2.5 and is playing the DI guitar track, the other rhythm track seems extremely thin/brittle/grainy and the drums are muted all together.
I've checked the render settings to make sure all tracks are enabled for output, time selection of project, etc...

I can't figure out why this is happening. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? I'd really appreciate some help, dudes :cry:
Nevermind. Hahaha, how embarassing. I'm such a newb! I normally just record everything at 44.1 / 24bit but decided to try 48/24 and noticed a big difference in the clarity of the tracks. Anyway, I found the setting I needed to adjust in the project settings rather than the audio device's settings. Turns out I just had to disengage the 'clueless bedroom producer' button to render an mp3.:lol:
But, seriously, do any of you guys render directly 48/24 to mp3 (with dithering to 16) but no resampling to 44.1? Would there be any reasons I shouldn't?