Sampling Drum Kits


New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2011
Hey all, I'm about to be sampling my first kit to use as reinforcement for the recorded tracks. How do you guys go about this? My plan is to record roughly 20 different hits of different velocities on each drum, and then drag the most fitting one over the drum tracks to the desired spots. Any light shed on this process would be much appreciated, thanks!
so... you are going to track live drums but sample replace the drums with the same drums? o_O

you are about to have some serious comb filtering.
I'll take like 12 hard kick samples and process them slightly and completely sample replace the kick with the samples I made.
To create samples of the kit is good as a fail safe incase there is any lack of energy or unheard mistakes during tracking but idk if I would go as far as to sample replace everything with drumagog using sample of the same kit. I am assuming you are making the samples as I said for a precautionary measure.
Yes smallroompro correct, I'm using it as a fail safe for any missed hits/hits that just dont sound quite right. And also it'd be nice to make samples from the kit to use on other mixes down the road for replacement. Lets say if i was strictly just recording a kit I wanted to make samples out of, would the method of 15-20 different velocity hits of each shell with proper tuning/perfect mic placement be the correct way to go about it?
5 different hits of 5 different velocities minimum:

5 x really hard
5 x hard
5 x medium
5 x soft
5 x really soft
