

My give-a-damn is busted
Dec 28, 2001
Emerald City
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I have the Rhapsody Player (I work there) and I randomly check to see if they have bands on there that I want to listen to. It's been expanding fairly well since it was launched and they have streaming rights to a lot more stuff. So I stuck Sanctuary in there and wonder of wonders, it was there! I've been listening to Refuge Denied. Then I took a look at the band information. Holy mistaken gender, Batman! I'm going to get it fixed, but thought I'd share:

They are listed under the same category: Thrash/Speed Metal. Many of the bands I like are not on Rhapsody at this point because we only have deals with the major labels. I'm told that smaller labels were in the works, but that will take time.
You would need to give me band names to check. There is no "search by label" function. BTW, Nevermore is not on it as Century Media is not signed or affiliated with someone who is.
thats funny as hell, young band hey thats right..long hair girlie yeah true...oh well!!!

the best nes yet

primary genre well there all over...they have too many influnces really, but they take heaps of lsd, is there a genre for that....or hashish.
Nope, not as of yet, sorry. (yeah, didn't name my self after the band, but after the mythologic creatures.)

Yeah, rebirth, I agree. But they have to compartmentalize them some way for their damnable "if you like xx, then you'll like yy" equations. There is no way around that.