
The Thing, The flame guy , Reed Richards and Invisible Girl (Sue Richards I think). I dont know for sure, as I havent read any F4 comics (other than a single issue here or there when I was a kid) but it should be right :)
F4 was one of those titles I never really got into, like Daredevil or Silver Surfer. I can take or leave all the various X-titles too, which explains why the movie didn't thrill me that much.

I started out as a Marvel kid (still love ol' Spidey), but since I read Sandman I've turned into a Vertigo snob. Most typical superhero stuff just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

I used to work for the company that distributed Gollancz titles in Aus. Got Terry Pratchett books before they hit the shelves, AND I had the first 'domestic' Mr Punch before anyone else too (cos the company lost the rights to Gollancz, but I got the warehouse to send me a copy before they were sent on to whoever bought the rights) :D

Was the original mini-series of Books Of Magic a Vertigo title? I don't remember seeing the imprint on the original issues, tho I do believe it was on the trade PB.
Books of Magic was probably published before the Vertigo imprint "officially" existed (circa 1993). It was very much a DC title back in the day.

I think it's still being published, but under a different title- Hunter: The Magic Legacy or some such thing. Young Harry (ahem!) "Tim" must've grown up a bit by now :).