Satan and Grim Reaper: Sponsors needed

1. it was your choice to have kids / get married.
2. your choice to chose to live in a high end area where there is a gate to keep out ethnic groups in your neighboorhood.
3. if was your choice to sell out to the man.
4. every penny could be for you...make your old lady get a job to cover "her" kids.


Yes, it was my choice to get married and have kids.
It's not one I regret in the least.

As Simon has said, most of us have other prioirities which are just as much, if not more, important to us than going to metal shows.

LOL @ point #2... "high end area"??? Funny coming from the boy who was raised in a huge house in Naperville.

Point #3, you are right about that!!!! unfortunately, unless I do consulting where I would have to travel 100%, I do have to work for a big corp, which means I get piss poor salary, but it is made up for with 401K, pension, and other benefits.

Point #4, you gonna come watch the kids or pay for daycare so Rebecca can work full time??????? :cool:
If Satan is a buzz band, then I say take advantage of it! When people talk about Satan making a comeback let them talk about how they are playing at Ragnarokkr next year. Grim Reaper is obviously the better known band, but no one is talking about them right now.

Also, while I would like to see either band, Grim Reaper is really just Steve Grimmett plus a bunch of hired musicians. I would much rather see Satan who have their complete "Court In The Act" lineup.
If Satan is a buzz band, then I say take advantage of it! When people talk about Satan making a comeback let them talk about how they are playing at Ragnarokkr next year. Grim Reaper is obviously the better known band, but no one is talking about them right now.

Also, while I would like to see either band, Grim Reaper is really just Steve Grimmett plus a bunch of hired musicians. I would much rather see Satan who have their complete "Court In The Act" lineup.

very good points
YOu have seen a lot of talk of SATAN because they have a new album.
nooooooo I didn't, people on the underground forums have been discussing SATAN for years and years, "Court in the Act" is widely considered a diamond of the NWOBHM underground. Of course, the old lineup doing festivals and the (brilliant) new album certainly helped.

But shit, Keir's got a point dere eh? Take advantage of the buzz while it's there. I've heard lots of great reviews about SATAN's line up from the Europeans. I don't see how OZ and GRIM REAPER are on the same level at all. TYRANT'S REIGN are local so that's different
Once again peeps.....
It's like this...
Oz and Tyrants Reign were NOT buzz bands and they did well.
They brought new fans to the fest.

Both SATAN and GR would do that. Very simply put. I think GR would bring more new fans to the fest.

YEah, I agree on striking while the iron is hot.
This would be the perfect time to procure SATAN with the new album.
I guess maybe my thoughts are a bit different, being here in Chicago.

You always see tons of old schoolers coming out for ONLY certain bands.
For example, Paul DI'Anno sold out Reggies his first time back.

There are definitely PLENTY of Chicago area metalheads who have yet to attend Ragnarokkr who will come out once the right band for them is booked.
Once again peeps.....
It's like this...
Oz and Tyrants Reign were NOT buzz bands and they did well.
They brought new fans to the fest.

Both SATAN and GR would do that. Very simply put. I think GR would bring more new fans to the fest.

YEah, I agree on striking while the iron is hot.
This would be the perfect time to procure SATAN with the new album.

OZ bought in all the out of towners pretty much and got most of the other bands on the bill interested in playing as well. They were very very important to this years line up.
Yeah, as much as I love OMEN, and was stoked to FINALLY see them, they did not have the impact I had hoped.

All I can think is that both musically and how they operate, isn't always the most consistent.

Hopefully they will finally get an album out with this lineup and keep things going.
It seemed they had a good track record with George Call.
Had he stuck around and they had an album out, I think things may have been different.
Yeah, as much as I love OMEN, and was stoked to FINALLY see them, they did not have the impact I had hoped.

All I can think is that both musically and how they operate, isn't always the most consistent.

Hopefully they will finally get an album out with this lineup and keep things going.
It seemed they had a good track record with George Call.
Had he stuck around and they had an album out, I think things may have been different.

I agree....I thought more people would be there for Omen...I think thier presentation was very weak. I know a few people who hung out in back or by the doors just listening to them instead since they looked like Smashmouth.

I think having the new album out would have helped as well.
That bassist looks like EVERY other bassist from an 80s California punk band.
Then you had the "Drop Down and Give Me 20" gym teacher singer.
Kenny looks like he should just live at the Keep It True venue. Ha!
The typical cant grow long hair so will do something crazy anyhow, hairdo......

Also, I would not have wanted to follow Tyrants Reign!
OK. Let me lay out my logic on this topic so no one is confused. We have SATAN and GRIM REAPER. GR is twice as expensive. This is not a move I can make right at the beginning. It's impossible with so many things uncertain. SATAN is a buzz band, or the new album just reminded everyone how great they are. Either way, they are the hot topic. Sponsorship is very hard to come by....especially when there is no venue and a few cult bands confirmed. It's easier when people are excited. I could have made enough for this overpriced venue if I would have panhandled at the fest. So SATAN is less and the buzz is strong. It is the optimal time to collect. Now, it should be mentioned that these two bands would consume the entire fest budget. I won't risk it all on a potential buzz band of the month or Steve and some hired guns. Best case scenario.....kickstarter is funded > Satan is in fact not a buzz band we get enough to bring them > partial lineup generates enough to bring over Steve "Axl Rose" Grimmett. Side note: GR is working on a new album due out soon and possible tour. I can afford their fee if on tour. Image if the album is great and the free promo of the tour. Imagine if the album blows.
Bottom line is that NOTHING is a guarantee......
I mean, I have seen Sonata Arctica play a sold out House of Blues when touring on a pretty crappy album, and then later saw Candlemass play in front of barely 100 people when touring on a much hyped album....

All I will say as a friend is only do what YOU can truly afford.

You did the right thing by putting it out there and confirming that both bands are available and it is up to the fans to help bring em over.
Not much more you can do at this point other than posting reminders weekly......

One final comment from me on this....
As much as we all love to think our fav bands are the best in the world, the bands we are talking about are not "instant sell out" type of bands.
It's all about the overall package. I know I sound like a broken record, but its the truth.

One last question....
If SATAN and / or GR are procured, would the fest be built AROUND them?
In other words, would these be your headliners?
they are both headliners.

also Powerfest rules out your "all about the package" Testament and Iced Earth al had less than average bands opening for them...each night had almost 1,000 people.

I get what you are one will race to see Satan with 6 openers no one has heard of.
One last question....
If SATAN and / or GR are procured, would the fest be built AROUND them?
In other words, would these be your headliners?

Due to their cost and such, they'd have to be. Unless there was a solid tour package with it with a headliner that can draw (whcih I'm not a fan of)
Come on Bob.....
I know you are 100% a trad metal guy now, but let's get serious...

You are really going to put Satan or GR in the same category of Testament and Iced Earth in terms of draw?
That was a risk VERY well worth taking and it paid off.
Those are bands that could have possibly sold out the Pearl Room on their own.
They didn't need to spend money on the rest of the lineup.

Anyhow, I know you get my point.

@ Simon - yeah, I mean, maybe the GR thing would turn into a tour and could help land a couple other solid bands.
Time will tell.....
Come on Bob.....
I know you are 100% a trad metal guy now, but let's get serious...

You are really going to put Satan or GR in the same category of Testament and Iced Earth in terms of draw?
That was a risk VERY well worth taking and it paid off.
Those are bands that could have possibly sold out the Pearl Room on their own.
They didn't need to spend money on the rest of the lineup.

Anyhow, I know you get my point.

@ Simon - yeah, I mean, maybe the GR thing would turn into a tour and could help land a couple other solid bands.
Time will tell.....

I know...I am just being difficult.
I know...I am just being difficult.

One last question....
If SATAN and / or GR are procured, would the fest be built AROUND them?
In other words, would these be your headliners?

No way of telling at this point. If it happens like the OZ situation.....sponsors will promise, then they will back out leaving me holding the bag. Then, the band will fuck me over and put me in the difficult situation of paying extra or canceling them....stress causing IBS and drunken lashing out. In a perfect world, SATAN will be 100% funded by sponsors and the partial lineup will sell enough tickets to cover GRIM. Then, I can look at other "headliners"

It's anyone's guess what will actually happen.
Speaking of OZ.....I've seen a lot of debate over the months about whether or not this was the right choice. I have a Kickstarter project to fund next year. I'd say that is the debate winning argument. You can't cash in reputation. If I could, the kickstarter project would be funded.