Satan or Santa?


Feb 24, 2006
I know this isn't an Evergrey specific question, but can anyone explain why it seems so much "DEATH" and "BLACK" metal seems to come from Sweden and the surrounding areas? Several times in the ANTR DVD Tom comments about the occult and "Hail Satan". I know that EG's earlier albums had Andy from King Diamond working with them. What is the fascination, is it because it is so cold and dark all the time where they live or is really part of a belief system for them? Just Curious.
I have a guy who frequents my music store who is satanic grotto master??? and is quite a like-able fellow. His wife bought him a guitar for Christmas and I asked him "what's up with that". He said his Christmas was just a little more evil and that if you move the letters around in santa you get satan.:headbang:
I know this isn't an Evergrey specific question, but can anyone explain why it seems so much "DEATH" and "BLACK" metal seems to come from Sweden and the surrounding areas? Several times in the ANTR DVD Tom comments about the occult and "Hail Satan". I know that EG's earlier albums had Andy from King Diamond working with them. What is the fascination, is it because it is so cold and dark all the time where they live or is really part of a belief system for them? Just Curious.
I have a guy who frequents my music store who is satanic grotto master??? and is quite a like-able fellow. His wife bought him a guitar for Christmas and I asked him "what's up with that". He said his Christmas was just a little more evil and that if you move the letters around in santa you get satan.:headbang:

Well, I wouldn't say that Scandinavia is the origin of satanism or anything, but we do have another way of looking at religion. Sweden, where I'm from, is christian. But the average Swede doesn't go to church unless there's a wedding or a funeral. Most Swedes are a member of the church, but I would say it's very few who actually practices the religion. I myself is not a member of the church. I read somewhere that the atheism rates is around 60-80% in Sweden, which is kind of high. Until 1996, every born child in Sweden automatically became a member of the church, which makes a lot of people members without even believing in God (i'm guessing newborn childs does not believe in God and Jesus).

Anyhow. I think that the lack of our religious traditions and the overall education level and so on, makes a lot of people think for themselves.. When we go to other, more religious, countries it's very different to what we're used to. We don't go to church every sunday, we don't pray before dinner, it's just not part of our life and our traditions. This becomes a kind of culture shock, and I guess that trigger this anti-religious lyrics. When you're not a believer yourself, and see it in action.. It all can seem very.... well, to call it indoctrinated is maybe harsh, but you might catch my drift here..

It can also be a reaction to the facts that so many people are members of the church, pays a lot of money to them, but does not actually believe in God. I myself can get very irritated when people just accepts the role given, and not questioning it, or even wants to make it your own decision. I totally respect religious people who made an active decision to believe in whatever they want to believe, but to never question the information given to you is just stupid.

Of course, all Swedes is not like this, but the overall status in Sweden is not very religious.

Now - it's early in the morning and I'm not sure I wrote all correctly, but anyhow.. I hope that answers some of your questions.
I would say you got it pretty right Bulldozer. Myself I've also left the church since I don't believe in god (and never have) and don't want _my_ money to be spent paying for what other people believe in.
[vEX];7519908 said:
I would say you got it pretty right Bulldozer. Myself I've also left the church since I don't believe in god (and never have) and don't want _my_ money to be spent paying for what other people believe in.

I had the same thought. I read somewhere that a member of the Swedish christian church pays approximately a years salary in a lifetime to them. It's a lot of money if you're not that into God and if you can't accept the "terms" in the Nicene Creed, par example. :Smug: