CoB-Tonberry said:I'm serious. They have never made a song which says they are satanic, or love satan. I'm not sure, but I think they even haven't used the name "Satan" in any of their lyrics before. Alexi said himself that he doesn't have any relationship to any religion, and that he's not satanic. Then, they can't be satanic. Since they don't belive in Satan.
agreed... last time that i mentioned my beliefs I was bashed for months. so i think any sort of "religion" topic is retarted. however, i dont see anyone getting pissed at him for making a thread about his beliefs?! i am still waiting, is only fair people...its gonna get uglyrayden_ad said:NO THANKS NO RELIGION TOPICS...
agreed... last time that i only mentioned my beliefs I was bashed for months. so i think any sort of "religion" topic is retarted.rayden_ad said:NO THANKS NO RELIGION TOPICS...
I know what irony is<_<TheSeldomlaid said:Stop being stupid.
I was refering to the guy who called Children of Bodom a satanic band in an ironic way (Irony is a common form of humor, where one state something that is obviously wrong to get one's point through [ironi (av gr. eironeia, forstillelse), uttrykksmåte som går ut på å si det mots. av det en mener, men slik at den eg. mening likevel skinner igjennom, ofte med en undertone av humor el. spott. Adjektiv: ironisk. — ironiker, person som uttaler seg ironisk. — ironisere, uttale seg ironisk; gjøre narr (på en humoristisk måte).]*). Not you.
predator666 said:panzerKunt satanism has nothing to do with the bad guy in the bible. Satan reperesents your ego, your lust and your desires. The reason why it's called satanism is because it's about obeying what you self think is right for your own being, not what some cuntfart wrote in a book 2000 years ago what NOT to do. Because christianity is basically just about not allowing oneself to do what one truly wants, they fetched the opposite of the symbol of good christian behaviour, Satan, and named their movement after him.
-Gavin- said:ironic, means, simply (not exact definition), he was joking....
and i'll give someone £10 if they can fit the word satan more times into a paragraph...
bobvex said:I used to do that, when i didn't get a joke, and someone would explain it to me, i said "I know what it meant, i was just playing along...
On that note, satanism should really be called Humanism, If this is your argument..
BTW, jesus never actually WROTE anything in the bible. and you don't want people disrespecting your "religion" yet you call the holy figure in a different religion a "cuntfart." Pot/kettle.
I_AM_CANADIAN! said:Bob! 'Tis not a proper paragraph . . .
One day theres was a SATAN! and SATAN! was his name and he was very SATAN! SATAN! had 20 brothers all named SATAN! and SATAN! hated all his SATAN! brothers because they had his name, SATAN! SATAN! decided to go to a pub called "Ye Olde SATAN!" and drank a drink call SATAN! He felt like SATAN! after he drank the SATAN! drink and decided to raise some hell. He first killed his brother SATAN! and then his other brother SATAN! and killed all 20 of his SATAN! brothers. Now, SATAN! had no more other SATAN!s to play with so he decided to make more SATAN!s He had a big glob of clay he named SATAN! to make more SATAN!s with and he did make more SATAN!s. He was happy he had lots of SATAN!s and they did SATAN! like things like steal Tuts good underware and strap fire crackers to Heavenscents GI Joes. Satan! and his brothers, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!, SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,SATAN!,
SATAN!,SATAN!, and SATAN!, were happy to do SATAN! like things to every body and lived SATAN! ever after! The SATAN!
There! Now that's a paragraph!