
If you look at some of the satanic principals/rules, whatever :)P) you see that most of those statements are very similar to other pagan religions/ natur-religions/heathens way of living and so on.. not all of them off course, but some.. Satanism is in some kind of way (the way I see it) a demonized (and maybe a little twisted?) version of some pagan religions.. in some way.. think about it.. Well my point is that it is not Lavey himself and alone or even him at that time that came up with those rules of living.. besides; aren`t they very inevitable? sorry my bad english.. If living after these rules are supposed to make you a satanist, then a lot of people are without knowing..
Um yeah. Pretty sure that the original poster was just joking around. I see nothing serious about his post whatsoever. I found it to be rather amusing and I'm not sure why everyone ripped his skullcap off. Carry on. (Or CARRION if you like Satan!)
PeeWee1473 said:
Um yeah. Pretty sure that the original poster was just joking around. I see nothing serious about his post whatsoever. I found it to be rather amusing and I'm not sure why everyone ripped his skullcap off. Carry on. (Or CARRION if you like Satan!)
Nice pun. kudos. As for satanism and Anton Levay...*rips a huge fart* truer words ne'r spoken.
Veslemøy said:
If you look at some of the satanic principals/rules, whatever :)P) you see that most of those statements are very similar to other pagan religions/ natur-religions/heathens way of living and so on.. not all of them off course, but some.. Satanism is in some kind of way (the way I see it) a demonized (and maybe a little twisted?) version of some pagan religions.

Better be careful making statements like that one! You need to be more detailed about which pagan sects you are referring to.

Satanism is hardly related to paganism! I renounce this statement.

Paganism centres on nature for the most part, and does have a moral belief system like most other religions do (too bad about Christianity!). Paganism is a giving kind of livestyle/existence and one of celebration.

back to Satanism though... difficult to say: the Satanism preached by Dr La Vey has been condemned by many Satanists, and others believe in only snippets of what La Vey states.

I feel Satanism is the by-product of Christianity, neither one exists without the other, and both need each other.

Both are pathetic if you ask me... better to worship Mother Earth, her oceans and animals peacefully rather than feel "guilty because you are human and God is not."
Half-assed excuse in order to gain attention. When you're nothing more than a materialistic atheist, or agnostic. Not a satanist.

PS - I'm not speaking to you directly, WMD, only the modern so-called satanists littering the metal scene with their stupidity.
The Warrior of Modern Death said:
satanism is basically just how everyday people like ourselves live.... we don't put any restrictions to ourselves

"Satanist" is actually ancient summarian for "Daddy, love me"
The Hubster said:
Both are pathetic if you ask me... better to worship Mother Earth, her oceans and animals peacefully rather than feel "guilty because you are human and God is not."
:lol: since when did Christianity need satanism? the point of christianity is to obliterate the kind of attitude satanism represents. with it gone, the world would be utopian, but since that is highly unlikely, it is satanism and attitudes which it represents that keep (for the time being) the goals of Christianity from being completed.

on the other hand, without Christianity, satanism would fall upon itself having nothing to oppose. satanism is almost wholly anti-christian, pro-self. take what you want, injure those who attempt to take from you, and treat everyone as if you were their king or rival. its a greed game, indulgent in the 7 "deadly sins". it's a foolish endeavor that would never survive as a self-supporting society.

as for worshipping Mother Earth, while condemning Christianity as pathetic, where have you found evidence that "Mother Earth" revealed her divine nature to you? where did she prove worthy of worship, or even capable of understanding it? do you believe this planet itself is somehow sentient? on what evidence? and even given these presumptions, what purpose would she have creating us, we who destroy her day after day?

i find that a respect and reverence for nature is just and important, however, i do not worship trees nor soil, for they have no cause for it. i listen to some Pagan music, and find some of their tenets intriguing and meritable, but i would not say they have the right of everything. suffice to say, i have found more evidence leading me to believe in Christ than i have to believe in "Mother Earth" and will not change my views until shown otherwise.

PS: i thought you denounced Opeth after Ghost Reveries. so why are you still here?
Guitarmaster said:
Half-assed excuse in order to gain attention. When you're nothing more than a materialistic atheist, or agnostic. Not a satanist.

PS - I'm not speaking to you directly, WMD, only the modern so-called satanists littering the metal scene with their stupidity.

nah i know exactly what you mean... i'm not a satanist myself. i'm not really anything, i suppose agnostic. if you're talking about church burnings and the shi the norwegians took part it... i agree, those half assed pathetic dumbasses. i'm sorry guys, you make some great music, but burning a few churches isn't going to make them stop, besides, what did they ever do to you in the first place (besides piss us all of with their hypocrisy and propoganda.) but no reason for violence.