Guitar Tone

Nov 27, 2006
So, I want to get a really heavy tone, yet still sound clean, kind of like Master's Apprentice, Damnation, etc. Do you think I'd be able to go about doing that with a Line 6 Spider III, a Boss MT-2 Pedal and a PRS Santana SE? If so, what settings, etc.
i have a line 6 spider II 1x12 75 W and i think the insane setting might be what you are after, a very low end distortion but the notes come through very well. i don't know if the settings are the same on the spider III though
there is a mikael preset on the line 6 Spider III. i didnt like it, if you want to have an opeth sound, go for a laney, a boss GT8 and a PRS ce custom :saint:

and don't try to be like opeth, make your own unique sound thats much better :)
If you want the Master's Apprentice rhythm sound, you're after Mesa boogie gear, for sure. That dryness can only belong to a triple rectifier.

Damnation is a whole other thing... they were using VC30s for that. There isn't any amp that will give you the insane gain and articulation under distortion as a rectifier but also give you those lush cleans that a small tube combo like the VC will. You'd be after 2 seperate amps.

A compromise of course is getting a shitty digital modelling amp. Sure, all the sounds suck, but at least you have a variety of shit!

Other than that you can either grab a recto and compromise on cleans, or grab a VC and compromise on distortion. Whichever is more important to you.
Orange practice amp + Les Paul classic + Boss HM-2 = what I use, sounds decent to me but obviously is just a temporary set up until I make some god damn money.
mm not really, i play my prs through it so a lot of the sound comes through that. i just use the insane setting for distortion and one of the cleans. its pretty easy to tweak it to get the sound you are after though.
well, I was really surprised about their GT-8s... so it is a good opportunity to tell all tube snobs that Opeth's live sound is digital fucking Boss...
well, I was really surprised about their GT-8s... so it is a good opportunity to tell all tube snobs that Opeth's live sound is digital fucking Boss...

yeah, and that's why it sounds thin and plastic...

The thing I hated most about them playing here last time was the godawfully weak rhythm guitar sound. The pedals aren't too shabby for leads.... digital modellers never really were too bad with that... but chords? Forget about it.

Also remember that they're running the GTs through tube amps, and catching some of that color as well.
Well, I have yet to purchase the amp, so is there a way I can spend at most $700 and get the sounds I want? I already have a PRS, but I don't have an amp or effects that fit what I need.
My Mesa Single Rectifier combo is a good compromise for rectifier type distortion and nice cleans. There are amps that do one or the other a bit better but the sound is outstanding and versatile on both channels. You can swap in EL34 power tubes for even more variety too. It isn't much good for home practice volumes however.

An amp that is a total steal for quiet noodling in your bedroom with headphones is the ENGL 530 preamp. Really insane "scooped" distortion, a clean channel that can go very bright and twangy to very warm and about £320 shipped to the UK. I'm thinking of getting a rack power amp and ditching the Mesa combo altogether. It just shows (to me) that despite the fact that Mesa make some quality kit they might be a little bit overpriced. Not many shops I know deal ENGL stuff - I just took a gamble and ordered one on the strength of reviews. I totally recommend it though.
opeth use the GT-6 live, i saw them on their latest UK tour. the distortion was anything but plastic!!! it was amazing. but about the no tube tone thing, they do have tubes in the Laney GH100Ls that they use. and yeah, the PRSs help a lot to get the tone.

has anyone got a GT-6 with their patch on it? i am thinking of buying one once i found out that Opeth use them (their distortion is the best i have heard - its perfect)... but i want to know if anyone knows roughly the amp models and other parameters on the GT-6 that can get that sound?

If you know, then it will benefit not only me and the dude who started this thread (perhaps), but also the whole forum.
thanks, Laurie
opeth use the GT-6 live, i saw them on their latest UK tour. the distortion was anything but plastic!!! it was amazing. but about the no tube tone thing, they do have tubes in the Laney GH100Ls that they use. and yeah, the PRSs help a lot to get the tone.

has anyone got a GT-6 with their patch on it? i am thinking of buying one once i found out that Opeth use them (their distortion is the best i have heard - its perfect)... but i want to know if anyone knows roughly the amp models and other parameters on the GT-6 that can get that sound?

If you know, then it will benefit not only me and the dude who started this thread (perhaps), but also the whole forum.
thanks, Laurie
I have a GT-6 and awhile ago I downloaded a patch that's supposed to sounds like the distortion from Morningrise. I could send it to you if you want.