Satellite - A Street Between Sunrise and Sunset

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Satellite - A Street Between Sunrise and Sunset
Metal Mind Records - 2003
By Adam McAuley


What we have here is an interesting platter of ambient music to soothe the soul. Despite not being totally metallic, some moments are heavy enough to allow it to be spoken of as part of the genre. Satellite weave a web of dense sonics, complemented by cheerful and appropriate foreign language singing, and a variety of instrumentation. The ambient material offered is comparable to artists like Mike Oldfield, but with an occasional sprinkling of heavier and more progressive sections of electric guitar, allowing it to be associated with the metal scene.

All of the songs follow a similar pattern, but don't let the apparent silliness of the opening track put you off from listening to the remainder of the work. The attitude is light-hearted, but the music is solid enough for a serious listen. At time things are chanted in the background and acoustic guitars are loosely layered over the main verse for variation. Samples are also sparingly used to brighten things up; not surprising considering the nature of the music. Finally, expect multiple mutations and changes to maintain a moderate amount of excitement throughout.

After a mildly entertaining ride, everything comes to an end with a serene outro, which leaves you to contemplate the at-times beautiful, at-times somewhat mundane, compositions just witnessed.


Official Metal Mind Website
Official Satellite Website