Saturday Night


Cock of Knowledge
Mar 25, 2003
I missed the first two bands (had to watch both my teams choke - Brewers and Badgers) but came in during Rob Rock. Now THAT is what metal is supposed to sound like! The sound was PERFECT and Rob hit every note flawlessly. The band was tight and I was surprised at how good this was. Best band of the whole PP this year, in my opinion. Mustache was actually pretty good. Not necessarily my bag musically, but they sounded good, too. Whoever the soundman was tonight was definitely on his game. Jon Oliva. Crucify me, but same old, same old. Good stuff, but I think I'm a bit burned out on his act. The floor was absolutely packed for JOP. People kept getting kicked out of the stairwells because there was no room on the floor. Iced Earth. Took forever to come on and when they did I could only take maybe four or five songs before bailing. The one tune they did from Something Wicked was the definite high point. Barlow doing the Ripper high notes on Declaration Day was fairly impressive. Overall, Iced Earth is just too one-note for me and I couldn't take anymore. Overall I thought this year's line-up was weak, but Rob Rock made it worthwhile (musically) and all the cool people always make it worthwhile, not to mention supporting Glenn and his putting his money where his mouth was after the debacle that was Powermad. I'll always buy a gold badge, but this was the weakest line up yet. Totally looking forward to Fates next year.
Saturday was definately amazing!! more than made up for the slow moments on friday. from the very first note of saint deamon, i had high hopes, and there were no dissapointments.

once they finally started playing, iced earth had a great set - some great veriety, with some heavier moments (the one schafer did vox on was very cool) and some sing-along balads. felt really sorry for john when his rig broke down during the encore, but he played an amazing show up 'till that point. i'm just glad he didn't kill that rodie. :p i thought for a second he was about to. matt was clearly straining his voice most of the night, but he pulled off the melodic parts where it was really needed, and growled most of the rest - i personally enjoyed the heavyness that provided. overall, great performance.
Quick and easy:

Rob Rock - The performance of the fest, hands down!
Saint Deamon - The sleeper hit of the fest!
Spheric Universe Experience - I have their cds and i dug them as well.
Mustache - I wasn't present, there was a reason for that.
JOP - It was painful, to say the least.
Iced Earth - Just put it this way, I was gone after 5 songs. That was enough. They let ripper go for Barlow. We all know it's for record sales reasons and personal greed, but that's fine. There is a reason that Schafer goes through band members like Yngwie. The musicianship was decent, but the vocals were unbearable and it was time to depart. That is all, thank you drive thru : )
Rob Rock floored me. Hands down.

But .... I'll have to say that I was most impressed by the guitarist for JOP. There HAD to have been some sort of blood ritual or other crazy ceremony going on backstage because that dude was channeling Chris Oliva from the other side - it sounded just like Chris was on stage. Mr. Oliva was damned awesome, also. And ... Hall of the Mountain King .... dear God, amazing....

Kai kicks my ass ... Piet kicks my ass ... Rob does likewise ... guitarist floors me ... the mountain king himself was stellar .... Fuck, why is it all over??! I'll go cry myself to sleep now...
Saint Daemon was pretty cool.
S.U.E. was actually enteraining for a Prog band, who anyone will tell you I hate. a lot. I ended up staying in the pit for half their set, probably because they were so photogenic.
Got through my 2 songs photo time for Rob Rock, then I left.
Then I came back for Iced Earth.

Missing Rob Rock was probably the single best decision I've ever made in my life. The man looks, acts, and sounds like he's stuck in an 80's time warp. The 2 songs I saw were hollow and boring. Would have rather seen Air Supply.

JOP ... I was in a fairly nasty mood during his set, lets leave it at that, for the 20 minutes I was in the foyer for.

Iced Earth. Fuck Me in the ballsack awesome, coming from someone who thought Barlow was a one dimensional snoozefest coming in, and considered Jon Schaffer to be a one-trick pony. I admit when I'm proven wrong. I was so. So. Very wrong.
But .... I'll have to say that I was most impressed by the guitarist for JOP. There HAD to have been some sort of blood ritual or other crazy ceremony going on backstage because that dude was channeling Chris Oliva from the other side - it sounded just like Chris was on stage. Mr. Oliva was damned awesome, also. And ... Hall of the Mountain King .... dear God, amazing....

You know... I was thinking the same damn thing almost exactly... that dude was amazing... simply amazing... Jon was amazing, but that guitarist blew me the fuck away.... :headbang::headbang::kickass::kickass:
Saint Deamon - Good, but not great. I liked them better when they performed as Thunderstone. :^)
SUE - didn't see...had to eat at some point.
Rob Rock - I think my 2nd favorite performance of the fest behind Elvenking. He is a class act all the way around and sounded GREAT!
Mustasch - was all right. I was present backstage for one of the greatest Mustasch moments that will forever go un-told though.
Jon Oliva - Only caught a few songs. He's a legend, I get that, but I just don't get it really.
Iced Earth - Saw them in Chicago so I decided to skip out.

Can't wait to next year!
I really enjoyed St. Deamon and Rob Rock…but JOP for me was not only the highlight of Saturday night, but the highlight of the festival! Sure, part of it is the Savatage nostalgia factor, but I still love watching Jon work his magic on keyboards and vocals. :worship:notworthy:worship:

I only wish there would have been time for a longer set, as there was some discussion earlier this year about doing “Chance” in its entirety, which would have been fabulous – especially with Zak in the house!

I wasn’t as into Iced Earth as the rest of the crowd, although I thought that Barlow was a great frontman. I think that part of it was that I was just getting tired after a long weekend of such great entertainment. I was kind of dragging before JOP went on, but I got a huge adrenaline rush during their set. Then I completely crashed during the long changeover before the Iced Earth set.
I personally felt that JOP should have headlined on Friday with Iced Earth on Saturday. Having JOP time constrained was not cool.

I also would have liked to have seen Chance as well. I'm not a huge Savatage fan, but Chance was probably the song of the set that I was hoping to see but did not. Oh well. At least I finally saw "the legend" Jon Oliva.
Its amazing we are all metal heads but differ so much in our taste. What an amazing Genre.

With that...
Saint Daemon..very cool.
Sphere what ever.....kinda bored me
Rob Rock ....was good but ummmmmm
Mustach...kicked ass. Period. If you disagree you are wrong :)
Iced Earth: Great Set and Matt Barlow owned the Ripper songs!!! Sorry if you disagree, you are once again wrong.
The highlight of Saturday was definitly JOP.
Classic Savatage tunes = nothing short of amazing and LaPorte totally recreated Criss's style, which was incredible and a priceless gift for me, as I never got to see Criss live before he died.
Although I almost got trampled by my own boyfriend in the pit. Ha Ha!
Jon Oliva is so funny...with all his commentary and facials.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the show on Tuesday here in Chicago. And a little birdie told me "Chance" will definitely be on the set list.

I was pleasantly surprised by Mustach, although a little redundant.

I got bored of Rock Rock after about three tunes, although I must say his voice is one of the best.

Saint Deamon was alright, but I'm not out to buy any of their was a good set to get the night going.

Iced Earth was cool, but was never really a huge fan.
Sucks about the rig but shit happens. At least it happened at the end of their set.

JOP should have been headlining.
It is always a great honor to be invited to Glenn's
awesome party so we felt equally as upset with the
fact that we had to cut Chance due to technical issues that
could not resolved during the show. This was a great dissappointment to Glenn and we are sinerely sorry for that. It will be included in the rest of the tour and we hope to see you there.

Thanks again to all for another great weekend!

Cheers.... :headbang:
I personally felt that JOP should have headlined on Friday with Iced Earth on Saturday. Having JOP time constrained was not cool.

I also would have liked to have seen Chance as well. I'm not a huge Savatage fan, but Chance was probably the song of the set that I was hoping to see but did not. Oh well. At least I finally saw "the legend" Jon Oliva.

Well - You're the first person to come out and say this about the headlining. I agree. I saw JOP in Florida the previous weekend and they did 'Chance" - the ENTIRE version flawlessly (if you could discern it through the atrocious sound!!). They also did "All That I Bleed" and it ROCKED!!

Chris :headbang:
Well I also would like to have seen JOP headline just so they would have no time constraints (but as their sponsors this year I am biased so consider the source).

Oh let me throw in a bit about Rob Rock here. I wasn't that excited about seeing him (know his work from the past) but dang did he rock. I will be looking for a few of his cds at some of the online vendors.

I think the last 3 bands saturday all in a row was a wallop upside the head, and it was probably planned that way by the illustrious Glenn, a great way to send our tired asses back to the hotels with energy after 4 days of music, too much beer, and no sleep. Mustache (can't believe we missed the beginning of their set - still not sure how it happened - oh yeah, was watching Alabama whoop up on GA at Vinyl - Hi Shae, thanks for wearing that jersey, must have been good luck huh?

JOP - all I can say is that even though we didn't really "use" our vip stuff (went backstage maybe twice during the festival, didn';t get a single drink ticket (the venue/bartenders gotta make money right? I try to help lol) - being in the front for JOP was freaking awesome. Somehow different than just standing in front of the stage when a band comes around to your local venue. Maybe it was just looking over and seeing Glenn jamming out and actually enjoying himself after busting his ass to make this a helluva party for all of us? Maybe it was seeing Matt just slay on guitar or being close enough to catch all of Jon's comments & facial expressions. Whatever it was - it was freaking magic.

Iced Earth - ok by this time people knew the signing had canceled and things were slow in getting going after the JOP set (several people had commented that they would have liked another song or two) so the vibe where we were (right behind soundboard) was kinda iffy. I love Iced Earth and I was ready to jam - and they did. I'm glad Barlow is back - Ripper was good, but Matt's voice just sounds like Iced Earth to me. They did well on the Glorious Burden songs, hit a few classics.
All in all - I guess they treated this like "just another show on their tour" - which kind of sucks because to me as an attendee - PP is always special. Hey at least I got to see them on this tour - in a kickass venue - with great friends that I pretty much only get to see once year. They will have a hard time topping that even if they do come to Colorado.
Saturday was definitely the highlight for me - what a way to end things - back to back legends following what for most people is a "new" band that had me bouncing around like a kangaroo on meth.

jeff in colorado
J.O.P was certainly a treat. As always I am geeked to see him. And loved seeing the standards (Sirens, Hall of the MOuntain King, etc) I was even more of a spaz to see ones that arent done as often like Hounds and Warriors.

I also agree he SHOULD NOT been on a time contrant.

My Holy S**t moment came with Mustach They are not ussaly my thing, but I was BLOWN AWAY by them. and am still Talking about the performance two days later. And will see them again anytime they step on US soil again. Thank you very much for bringing them Glenn.

Rob Rock was cool, I was at the rail and right next to this Guy from MExico who came all the way just to see Rob Rock. I fed of his energy and enjoyed his performace very much.

S.U.E and Saint Demon were good Also and feel complemeted the rest of the night.

ICed Earth was Great, but by then I was exhausted, spent, gone, dead tired.

OVer all I enjoyed Sat over Fri HAnds down.
It is always a great honor to be invited to Glenn's
awesome party so we felt equally as upset with the
fact that we had to cut Chance due to technical issues that
could not resolved during the show. This was a great dissappointment to Glenn and we are sinerely sorry for that. It will be included in the rest of the tour and we hope to see you there.

Yep, we were wondering about what happened to "Chance." Shame you couldn't do it.

Other than that, great show! We were watching through the lobby door on stage-right since the house was packed, and were not disappointed. :headbang: