Satyricon and Sumkindamonster


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Ok guys, I keep hearing how great SATYRICON's new one, VOLCANO is....I like some "death metal" like Dimmu Borgir, Venom, and even a little Bathory (what I've heard) so is this thing worth picking up or not?!?!?! Sixxswine and Johnny D I'm counting on you to set me straight because you best understand my musical tastes....Greeno, I'd ask you but I don't think you like much Death Metal either....I usually like 'em till they start singin'.

ALSO, Metallica's tear jerker, SOME KIND OF MONSTER came out today....any of y'all gonna plop down the cash and see it?!?!
I'm not too big a fan of the new Satyricon. I enjoy their older stuff better, especially Nemesis Divina. There are some decent tracks on it, though. If you like Volcano, definately try out Rebel Extravaganza.

I'm going to wait for the Metallica thing on DVD.
I picked up Volcano by Satyricon last week. It is amazing. I am mostly a traditional metal fan but like some black and death metal and this album just blows me away. If you like Dimmu Borgir, you like Venom, you like Bathory, you will like this.
tedvanfrehley said:
Ok guys, I keep hearing how great SATYRICON's new one, VOLCANO is....I like some "death metal" like Dimmu Borgir, Venom, and even a little Bathory (what I've heard) so is this thing worth picking up or not?!?!?! Sixxswine and Johnny D I'm counting on you to set me straight because you best understand my musical tastes....Greeno, I'd ask you but I don't think you like much Death Metal either....I usually like 'em till they start singin'.

ALSO, Metallica's tear jerker, SOME KIND OF MONSTER came out today....any of y'all gonna plop down the cash and see it?!?!

TED GO OUT AND FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D its a Great record and I know you will Dig it!!!!!!!! Oh and Ted You need to find yourself some Vintersorg! you will love them!
tedvanfrehley said:
Ok guys, I keep hearing how great SATYRICON's new one, VOLCANO is....I like some "death metal" like Dimmu Borgir, Venom, and even a little Bathory (what I've heard) so is this thing worth picking up or not?!?!?! Sixxswine and Johnny D I'm counting on you to set me straight because you best understand my musical tastes....Greeno, I'd ask you but I don't think you like much Death Metal either....I usually like 'em till they start singin'.

ALSO, Metallica's tear jerker, SOME KIND OF MONSTER came out today....any of y'all gonna plop down the cash and see it?!?!

All those bands you just named are Black Metal not Death Metal.. Death is bands like Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Death, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Goretted etc.. big difference in musical styles between Death and Black... Venom and Bathory are old school Black Metal and Dimmu is Modern Black as well as Satyricon.. I plan to get Volcano as I hear alot of good reviews about it.. :wave:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
All those bands you just named are Black Metal not Death Metal.. Death is bands like Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Death, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Goretted etc.. big difference in musical styles between Death and Black... Venom and Bathory are old school Black Metal and Dimmu is Modern Black as well as Satyricon.. I plan to get Volcano as I hear alot of good reviews about it.. :wave:
You know what TVF meant. Quit bustin' his sack. Volcano is a good record, I have yet to pick up anything from their past. JD has a point, pick up some more from that black metal band he mentioned. I can't spell the damn thing, but I have heard one of their records, courtesy of the mighty JD. It's jaw dropping!!!!! If Digger says, that people that like Satyricon, Dimmu & Venom will dig, Bathroy then I'm there!!!! I gotta pick up come of their records...
I think the only thing about both Black & Death Metal, is that there are very few bands that do it well. I think there has to be just enough Evil, in both their image & music to make it "dangerous" & a bit "sinful," to make it great. I think there are too many clones out there, that it gets to the point where you're thinking this is just as cheesey as a second rate glam band. You know what I mean? Not only that, but I don't know how & why people would elect to listen to a particular genre?! Like listening to only Black Metal or Death Metal? What's that about? I would get really bored.
Off to do my homework on Bathroy...
Be warned, Sixx, that the vocals may take some getting used to. I started out with the Viking albums as mentioned above and those are still my favorites. The black metal albums he wrote are not int he style of Dimmu and Satyricon, they are much more raw.

While the newer Dimmu and Satyricon albums are classed as black metal, the moniker may be a little misleading when it comes to looking for new music. They are moreso labeled today as symphonic black metal and are more accessible. The more true black metal, like Darkthrone and Dissection and Horna are much more stripped down and raw, usually with poor production.

I would definately recommend doing your homework before purchasing albums as you guys venture into this realm. It's easy to get burned by shitty records.
The 'black metal' term has little meaning anyway, like many Metal labels. In the beginning were considered Black Metal the Heavy Metal bands with satanic/evil lyrics, later on it was Bathory-like music, and now everything in the lines of Emperor (which I like) is Black Metal.

So... what really is Black Metal? :loco:
sixxswine said:
You know what TVF meant. Quit bustin' his sack. Volcano is a good record, I have yet to pick up anything from their past. JD has a point, pick up some more from that black metal band he mentioned. I can't spell the damn thing, but I have heard one of their records, courtesy of the mighty JD. It's jaw dropping!!!!! If Digger says, that people that like Satyricon, Dimmu & Venom will dig, Bathroy then I'm there!!!! I gotta pick up come of their records...
I think the only thing about both Black & Death Metal, is that there are very few bands that do it well. I think there has to be just enough Evil, in both their image & music to make it "dangerous" & a bit "sinful," to make it great. I think there are too many clones out there, that it gets to the point where you're thinking this is just as cheesey as a second rate glam band. You know what I mean? Not only that, but I don't know how & why people would elect to listen to a particular genre?! Like listening to only Black Metal or Death Metal? What's that about? I would get really bored.
Off to do my homework on Bathroy...

:D if you thought That Record was Jaw Dropping Wait till you hear the Focusing Blur Bro!!!! Vintersorg is just Awsome!!!...... I will be Honest when I read Teds post I almost did the "Yaknow thats Not Death Metal" Thing But I didnt cause I knew what he meant .... It Doesnt Matter what Genre it is ...... Fuck Genres! its all metal to me ...... ANYWAYS I know for a fact that ted will not be interested in the Low budget Crap Black Metal which sounds like a cat being Rapped by a Hay Bailer .... Thats Why I say GET SOME VINTERSORG TED!!!!!!!!! and that New Satyricon! thats the point of this thread right!
Dodens Grav said:
The first album, Bathory, is pretty much very raw Speed Metal by way of what may very well be the first Black Metal screeches. .

Indeed, as I remember Bathory was one of the first bands to lay ground for what currently is concidered Black Metal. I also would give some credit for that to Celtic Frost....
Hehe, go through the thanx and greetings list of their first albums, look for Gert Ouderits, that's me :headbang:
Psychonaut said:
Who Celtic? My Bathory's are re-issues with no thanks in them. Didn't see you on the three Celtic's I looked at.

Sure of "the return" of Bathory (maybe some others to, don't know...) and CF's To Mega Therion...
Johnny D you are a great American with balls as big as churchbells. And to the mighty Swine...OINK! That's what I meant guys. I'm an old fart. I lose track of all the genres. Speed metal. Black metal. Thrash Metal. Math Metal. Rap Metal (vomit), heavy metal, ITS ALL METAL DAMMIT and that's what counts. I just like something that has a lot of groove first and crushing guitars. Vocals, to me, can make or brake a band...which is why I took a while to warm up to Dimmu, but most important is the mighty RIFF! I tend to not like stuff that is just pure 1000mph speedballing. Not to sound old, but to me that is noise. I like a groove. I'll try out Satyricon first and see where that takes me!