Ted's new love, Death Angel and Skid Row!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Well I heard ya missed us, we're baaaaaack. I brought my pencil....GIMME SOMETHIN' TA WRITE ON, MAAAAAAAN!

Hey all you crazy ass metalhead sons-o-bitches! And I mean that in the nices was possible! It's your favorite uncle Ted, here! I hope you all had a good 4th of July (or a good summer thus far if you ain't in the states) and all that. I have been working my tailfeathers off with real estate school (i'm out!) and picked up a paper route for extra cash....plus my real job as a sales rep. I'm a regular Gene Simmons...if youwill. I love $$$$$$$$$ and am not afraid to say it.

ANYWAY, as most of you know my tastes in metal tend to run the "lighter" side of Old School by way of KISS, Van Halen, OZZY, Motley Crue and Metallica...but every now and again I likes me some BRUTAL SHIT like Slayer or Venom. So I got a copy of the new DEATH ANGEL cd, THE ART OF DYING! If you haven't heard this thing yet PLEASE pick it up! This is the perfect metal cd. Not since the Puppetmaster or Master Of Puppets (wierd how I reference puppets, twice, huh?) has an album hit me so hard in the gut but made me want to listen to it over and over and over nonstop! I drove 200 miles roundtrip today and couldn't take it out. Imagine putting classic Death Angel like "Bored" or "Room With a View" in the blender with KILL EM ALL, RIDE THE LIGHTNING and TESLA's LOVE SONG and you have the cliff notes for this album. GREAT GREAT GREAT guitar playing by the boys and the singing is stellar. This is a freakin' masterpiece and even better to me than anything DA has done before. I'll put my balls on the line here...I think I am more excited about this cd that I already have than I am about the new VAN HALEN cd which ain't even out yet! And I'm about one inch away from being a freakin' Van Halen deadhead. Just hang it all up and follow Edward. haha Anyways, I beg of you, GREENO, SIXXSWINE, JOHNNYD, BRYANT, BALDYBOY and all you other mofo's please give this one a spin! YOu won't regret it!

Finally.....I was listening to Skid Row's best of the other day..and forgot how truly great Bas was as a singer....it's a shame they got lumped into the "pretty boy" hair band label...they could be heavy. If you haven't listened to SKID ROW in a while dig out your copy and listen to 18 and Life and pretend you're in high school again smoking marlboro's and drinking papbst on a Friday night. I love summer!

Now in the immortal words of Jimmy Buffett.....

"if the phone doesn't ring.....IT's ME!"

Hey ted I'm glad you like the "Art Of Dying", if you roam to the other forum I attend you'll find less niceties about it.

A lot of people want bands to return after a hiatus or reunion back to basics (I'm among them I guess). And sometimes that's is not possible for several reasons:

a) the music scene has change and there's no market for that particular old music (and bands have to eat you know?, ask Clammy).

b) there's no way a new album gaves us the same impact we had with that jewel from the band 10-15-20-25 years ago. We have changed, the world have changed you cannot repeat an exact emotion in a historical context.

c) bands are made out of musicians, and they want to expand their horizons and feel thir work is more than just a mechanical formula (isn't it right Clammy?). Sometimes expansion is good and benefitial...sometimes they sold out to our taste. Oh well, shit happens.

So most people wanted another "The Ultra Violence", I wanted another "Act III". And basically I believe I got a bit of both. Some songs are a bit weak, but most of the album reeks of good old school thrash with a modern attitude (and modern doesn't mean mallcore). 'Thrown To The Wolves', 'Thicker Than Blood', 'No', 'Spirit' (my fave), 'Land Of Blood' are excellent speed/thrash songs.
If you read the acknowledgements of the album and see the influences they quote is amazing that actually they came with a metal album :lol:

I like it a lot, maybe because I was hoping for something weaker and I got a much better product than expected.
What up Ted??!!!! You need to join us more often!

At first I didn't like the new Death Angel but it grew on me big time. I listened to it 2 or 3 times and them forgot about it, but upon playing it for a friend I noticed a couple of songs were sticking in my head. The next thing I knew I was playing that damn album over and over for about a week. :)
liked the old death angel albums,not heard this new one yet.guess its something to check out.
skid row i always had trouble with.really didnt think much of them at first,then they released slave to the grind and they kind of won me over.again,i know they have released something new,just havnt heard it.most people i know who have though,havnt had great things to say about it.
I'm glad you like "The Art of Dying" Ted. It didn't have to grow on me either :)
I have only Listened to the New DA a couple of times But so Far I like it! ... With a lil more time I'm sure it will be in my top ten for the year! ..... as for the Skids.... I love Slave to the Grind LOVE IT!..... even tho their New album Thickskin is terrible
I am happy you found something beyond the 80's you like. >:P~ The new Death Angel is ok and I have no problems with it stylistically, but the songwriting could be a little stronger. I prefer "Act III" personally.
As far as The Skid Row goes I have "Subhuman Race, Slave to the Grind" and "Skid Row." Bas is a helluva vocalist. I wish he would do something new. He seems to play host quite often on different shows. He needs to quit talking so much andstart singing.

I'm a old school thrasher from the 80's.. seen most of the bands of that era live at Sundance in Long Island as well as Roseland in NYC... I never got the pleasure of seeing DA live back then though. But I was always a fan of their Ultra-Violence album (hard to believe they were just kids back then). But seeing your review/recommendation I think that will be my next purchase. Has anyone heard the recent Exodus album? i want a review/recommendation about it. I'm glad to see old school thrashers are starting to come back to the scene. Metal always comes in full circles/cycles. Recent bands i heard are coming back are D.R.I. , Nuclear Assault, DA , Exodus, Megadeth, Nasty Savage, etc. ... Lately i been listening to the last 2 Dimmu Borgir albums as well as Children of Bodom's Hatebreeder album if you are interested in some heavier stuff then you are used to listening to.. :rock:
tedvanfrehley said:
I beg of you, GREENO, SIXXSWINE, JOHNNYD, BRYANT, BALDYBOY and all you other mofo's please give this one a spin! YOu won't regret it!

OK So I gave it the Ol 24 hour Listen and it is One Helluva Album! its great to work to! They really havnt lost anything over the years and you can hear a slight Phil Anselmo tinge in the singers voice Actually it reminds me more of Skids Subhuman Race Vocally Great album!