Satyricon Phoenix Cover with Vocals...multitracks available on request


Apr 25, 2014

If anyone is interested in the multitracks for these let me know. I can make a stem mix down.

However, if I provide multis I would at least like people to do more than "just a quick mix". I don't give a shit about your quick mixes. I want to hear a bit more than a crappy reamp on TSE and the levels and pan knobs set.

Took a lot of effort to program the drums as accuaretly as I could and record the guitars and bass and the plethora of vocal tracks that go with this.

"Just a quick mix"

oooh, i am also happy to say that no pitch correction was used at all on the vox.
ok i couldnt wait and listened on ath m50x headphones. Very nice cover! Very good vocals!
Your mix isnt balanced well. Vocals are much to loud compared to the rest. Drums sound nice but are too thin. I dont really dig the guitartone and for my taste the vocals are too much panned/spreaded but maybe thats just me.Will check on monitors at home later. Really looking forward to give this a try!

cheerz Lars
Thanks for the critique,Lars!

I listened back in the cans on the way to work this morning. The vocals are definitely too loud. This is a problem i have been criticised for by others too but they didn't sound this loud above the music in the monitors (Yamaha HS70). I think a part of the problem is my room is not optimised yet (will be moving soon and the music room is in my girl's place). I also struggle with the right amount of low end once I playback mixes on other systems. They are either too boomy or too thin. All the vocal lines are double tracked and there's a lot of backing vocals in this. The Ah's and Ooh's in the chorus build up have 12 tracks :D I panned them around 80% on the main vocals.

The guitar tone is a 5150 from the Stymphalian pack. I had recorded these guitars with VST plugins before I got the Kemper and I couldn't get that sound mixed in well. It lacked energy. I did contemplate redoing the guitars completely once the Kemper arrived but went with a reamp instead. I am fairly happy with the tone but maybe I should try another one.

The drum sound is also a little thinner than expected on headphone playback. I purposely put the T-Bone eq tilt on it as I find the Slate Drums often sound quite dull in the mix so I was trying to add a bit of sparkle. Maybe also part of the problem getting used to mixing with the Yamahas.

I don't have the will for a remix yet :D There is another version on Youtube with different vocals, guitars and bass and modified drums. This mix is a lot better compared to that.

Enjoy the festival!
I want to do a proper mix of this :). I fucking hate quick mixing because I feel that it tells the person that you don't care about the piece.
i checked on monitors too. The guitars dont sound that bad i think they just dont glue with the Bass thats why they sound a bit too bright.
About the balancing..i think some stereobuscompression to glue everything more could work
However...looking forward to mix that song ;) i love Satyricon!
I went home at lunch to downmix the stems and realised the clean guitars were not 100% clean but had some gain from the amp they were record through. I thought I had recorded them DI but it appears not. That's probably why the reamp tone isn't that great. I can upload it as is or I can redo the guitars entirely clean.