Savage / Powerball, could use some tips :)

Hi All! :kickass:

Here is one of the 8 songs that are going to be on the upcoming demo cd of my band. The songs contains no vocals, but I start recording those within a couple of weeks. I hope you like the song, I hope they aren't boring as they are written with vocals in mind. Çould use some suggestions / tips on the mixing.


Song name is Atlantis

Gear used:

Engl Savage / Powerball
Leads: Engl Savage
Drums: DFHS

Thanx for checking it out!

i like how the mix is sounding, cool song too!

Improvements: i would do is bring up the snare at least 3dbs, it's getting a little lost in the mix.

also, the guitars sound like there's some weird phasing going on, most noticeably in the solo's. any number of things could be causing this, like two mics recording one take that have not been phase aligned that are hard panned from each other, stereo imaging effects, or plugin latency.
Get a transient designer on that kick and add some beef in.
That or get a sample of a kick miced up with a subkick mic (usually a speaker that's working in reverse) and compress the living shit out of it and mix it in.

Parallel compression on the drums too IMO.