Savatage bass player


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
Will Jhonny Lee Middleton be playing bass for savatage at the show and if not who is? Also, will there be a second guitar player(Al Pitrelli, Alex Skolnick, Jack Frost)?Don't care too much for Jack Frost's playing, nice guy though.
yup.....Kevin will play bass, and there will be one guitarist, Chris Caffery, just like at the Criss Oliva MEMORIAL in October 03. That's the plan so far :)
no clue.....prior committments maybe. And yes, he is a very good bass player, one of my faves. Don't worry though, Kevin is just as good :)
Nightmare1z said:
Question though: Why isn't Johnny Lee Middleton going to be there? Saw him last year in TSO show, and he ruled...

Just wondering...

Maybe he won't be out of Cryogenic Stasis by then. Seriously, how is it possible that the dude can be in a band for over 20 years and not have aged a single day? My theory is he's cryo-frozen in between tours and recording. JLM rocks, no doubt, but Kevin did an awesome job with CIIC at PPUSA last year, so I think he'll do just fine!

Kevin Rothney is an excellent bass player. Great gear, great chops, and the best fucking bass tone anywhere!... I have had the pleasure of performing with him for the last 12+ years. 'Tage Mahal is grateful to be opening this headline event, and the expectations of the " members of Savatage" set will be delivered on target!........Now buy your ticket(s), book your hotel rooms,.... or spend your holidays longing for the early christmas present that you pissed away!
