saw II

I thought it was good..... Donnie Walburg was good.... the plot was twisted... comes full circle........Oh and the needles......
I think that horror movies as a whole just suck. Not scary enough, too predictable. I liked the new Dawn of the Dead, bacause the first 20 minutes were just non stop and they didn't waste any time getting down to it. Plus it didn't have this victorious ending. Everyone's dead! A true zombie apocolypse.

Devil's Rejects was pretty good, but it was not really a "horror" movie.

Saw 2 was ok, don't get me wrong. I was just sorry I payed for it. That's no big shocker though, I am sorry I pay for most movies after I see them.

Best movies of '05 I thought were;
History of Violence
Thrillho said:
I think that horror movies as a whole just suck. Not scary enough, too predictable. I liked the new Dawn of the Dead, bacause the first 20 minutes were just non stop and they didn't waste any time getting down to it. Plus it didn't have this victorious ending. Everyone's dead! A true zombie apocolypse.

Devil's Rejects was pretty good, but it was not really a "horror" movie.

Saw 2 was ok, don't get me wrong. I was just sorry I payed for it. That's no big shocker though, I am sorry I pay for most movies after I see them.

Best movies of '05 I thought were;
History of Violence
Agreed; most horror movies really are dung. Hitchcock could do it, and that's not even what people consider "horror". Less is more, as the cliche goes. Carpenter's The Thing: sure, tons of f/x, but Carpenter understands that atmosphere and tension are vital. I haven't seen Saw II, but it sounds to me like preposterous brutality simply for the sake of brutality. Like Chaos. That's not horror, that's exploitation.

What you said about Dawn of the Dead--have you seen Abel Ferrara's "Body Snatchers"? That's some creepy apocalyptic shit.
nah but I have been meaning to check out Body Snatchers. Think I'll Blockbuster online that shit now....

I liked 28 days later too - I didn't love it, but it was good.

What can I say, I just have a thing for movies that basicaly show the end of the world, or atleast the world as we know it today.

This is gonna sound really fucked up, but, I really hope I am around to see how things end. I wanna be here when the computers take over, or the zombies rise, or whatever is gonna happen. Something is gonna happen to our society, that's for sure. Selfish of me to say I wanna be here when it happens, but atleast I'm honest :)
For horror movies to become good again, they would need to totally die off for a year or two. Then find a whole new set of directors and writers to make them.

But since they are cheap to make and usually turn a profit that will never happen.