Saw Skew Siskin yesterday


Apr 29, 2004
A friend asked me to join him for a Skew Siskin concert. Skew is a relatively unknown German band, but has LOTS of quality. The best description for them in my opinion is a mix of Hellion and early AC/DC, blended with some Motorhead here and there (they toured with Motorhead late 90's or so, and Lemmy states them as one of his favorit bands). (female) Vocalist Nina has an incredible raw Bon Scott-ish voice and live they definitly ROCK !! The atmosphere was HOT (huhu, think the heat-wave over here has something to do with it...). It was the first time I visited this club (Spirit of 66), and I'll go there many more times in future. Only 1 houre drive , beautiful location in the Belgian Ardennes region and I guess the most beautiful club I've ever seen. We had the luck this is their 10'th year in existance and everyone get free popcorn (we consumed a pretty big bowl each :-) Skew siskin was called back 3 times and did some covers of AC/DC , Motorhead and Overkill (Fuck you). I think they also did some gigs with Overkill in Germany, much better any way than the crap we got to hear opening for Overkill. All together a very good gig, if you like early AC/DC this is a band to look out for !!
here's some online music clips of them

old Headbangers Ball videoclip
sixxswine said:
I think they only released ONE record in the USA...
A pitty really, I liked what they were about...
I think they just released their 5th album over here...a "best off" or so....
sixxswine said:
I might have to look them up again.
Maybe a best of Import would be the best way to revisit them...
Yep, it's called "Devils Desciple" . And it's their 6th album....
