Saxon at "de Lantaarn" in Hellendoorn (the Netherlands)


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2005
Just got home from the gig. It was fucking fabulous. My first concert was the "Jaap Edenhal" in Amsterdam in 1981. Now it's 2006 and still it's one big party. Thank you Biff and Saxon for still coming back to the Netherlands. You keep me young.

Anybody else visited "de Lantaarn"?
Hello! thanx for the post!

Well, I´m very curious! Could you post the set list? any surprise?

Saxon rules!:rock:
I've been at Rockweekend last friday.
I can't remember the whole setlist.
What I did noticed is that the lyrics of Crusader were changed A little bit.
Did anyone else notice??
Don't know the setlist (was too busy enjoying the show) but they does it matter? Every song rocks.

About the lyrics of Crusader, maybe it has something to do with the pressrelease of March?


One of my favorite photo I took yesterday
I enjoyed the show very much... i did not noticed te change in te song either...

I have a couple off pictures for you from yesterday!!





I also have a link to a dutch forum...maybe you all would like to come and have a look (also hope you enjoyu the pictures!)
*Rockchick* said:
I enjoyed the show very much... i did not noticed te change in te song either...

I have a couple off pictures for you from yesterday!!



I also have a link to a dutch forum...maybe you all would like to come and have a look (also hope you enjoyu the pictures!)

Hartstikke leuk rockchick, THX much for the photos and I love those 5 sec from the concert..good atmosphere !
Hey I looked at thje [pleylist form a day later in the astoiria and it lokked a lot I think like the playlist in de lantaarn!!
Motorcycle man
Backs to the wall
Strong arm the law
Stallions of the highway
Power and the glory
Never surrender
Frozen rainbow
The eagle has landed
Suzie hold on
And the bands played on
Princess of the night
Dallas 1pm
20000 feet
the return
Lionheart (because it was st georges)
Heavy Metal thunder
Wheels of Steel
Denim and Leather
I'm sure the setlist at Rockweekend was different. They Played To Hell and Back Again.
Hey you crazy Saxon fans,
sorry I couldn't find the time earlier this week to post
the setlist played in Hellendoorn, here it is in right order:

The return
HM thunder
Dogs of war
To hell and back again
Strong arm of the law
Solid ball of rock
Eagle has landed
Dragon's lair
Dallas 1 PM (Biff signed my sheet)
Man and machine
Motorcycle man
20,000 Ft.
Denim and leather
Princes of the night

1st encore:
solo Doug
Wheels of steel

2nd encore:
747 strangers in the night

Have to say it was a rather short gig,
it clocked just at 1 and a half hour.
Doug said later that he didn't know,
probably could have been because they just started the tour,
and they haven't played together for about 4 months.
And oh yeah, don't expect the new album this year.

Okay, rather short gig, but it fuckin' rocked as always !!!:rock:
Next time we'll be there again!
Harrie from Leeuwarden, I like your hair :lol:
Hey guys, best regards from
John:rock: :rock: