Saxon at Brixton.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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Well what can you say! The lads were just bloody brilliant again! Shame that they could only play for an hour though, and it was all over way to quickly.

Judas Priest were pretty good too but one thing that really pissed me off was that most of the JP fans didn't bother turning up until half way through the Saxon set. I'm sure Biff and the rest of the lads were really disappointed when they took to the stage only to see Brixton a quarter full. I think Saxon deserve better respect then that. Still, that never stopped the lads playing up a storm. I'm sure someone else will do a gig review/set list at some point, so I won't do one here.

Thanks Saxon for another blinding show. I know I really enjoyed it because I have done my leg in again!!!


Thankyou saxon and priest for a great gig just a pitty the saxon set couldent have been longer it seemed to come and go in a flash but i thought they was excellent as allways well worth the trip down from east Yorkshire we got down to the front as well so we had an excellent view got vidioed on the priest set by some guy for about a minute even if 5 seconds of that gets put on the finished dvd ill shoot myself normaly camera shy but i was a little pissed so i thought what the @#%$ thanks again to saxon and priest exp saxon cause you guys are my fav band rock on

I agree, Where were all the Saxon Supporters
I was with 64 (I think) of B L A Z E fans who I met up with on the night, I still think this band should have been also supporting.
Get ready for their new album, Tenth Dimension, in Jan/Feb 2002. They played 4 tracks off it on Total Rock and man, they were awesome. Order your copy now!. Apparently they're releasing a limited addition with two CD's, the second one containing 2 videos, 4 mp3's, 4 live tracks and 1 unreleased track....How cool is that!

Up the SAXON!!! (And B L A Z E)