Did anyone else catch a feature on the BBC programme 'Insight' last night, I nearly fell of my chair when Rick Wakeman started talking about 5 lads from Barnsley, As i knew it must be Saxon.. well he was, and it showed interviews with biff, tour footage, and how basically celebrating 25 years of Saxon. also clips of the band in the studio singing 'Lionheart' . there were also old footage of the band on TV, some not on the Chronicals. he was also saying that Lionheart would probably sell well in places like germany and the rest of europe and south america,, but not here in England, and thats a shame as we invented heavy metal, and it seems that peole around the rest of the world get the point of heavy metal! and we the brits dont and are happy to be into boy bands etc!! ,, hehe.. anyway,, it is good to see SAXON getting some publicity on TV, and prime time too I cant remember the last time i saw them on the box!

Did anyone else catch a feature on the BBC programme 'Insight' last night, I nearly fell of my chair when Rick Wakeman started talking about 5 lads from Barnsley, As i knew it must be Saxon.. well he was, and it showed interviews with biff, tour footage, and how basically celebrating 25 years of Saxon. also clips of the band in the studio singing 'Lionheart' . there were also old footage of the band on TV, some not on the Chronicals. he was also saying that Lionheart would probably sell well in places like germany and the rest of europe and south america,, but not here in England, and thats a shame as we invented heavy metal, and it seems that peole around the rest of the world get the point of heavy metal! and we the brits dont and are happy to be into boy bands etc!! ,, hehe.. anyway,, it is good to see SAXON getting some publicity on TV, and prime time too I cant remember the last time i saw them on the box!